Pre-Assessment Accessing Prior Knowledge You have found a great web site to use for your social studies report. Write three things you should look for to know the site is reliable.
Don’t be just a good searcher, be a great researcher! Use the CRAAP Test to Evaluate Web Sites Is the information on the web site reliable? © California State University at Chico-- Merriam Library
C urrency : How up-to-date is the web page?
Can you find a date the information was posted or a copyright date? If so, how new is it? Do the links work and are they up-to-date? C urrency : How up-to-date is the web page.
R elevance/Coverage : The uniqueness of the content and its importance for your needs.
Does the information provide the details that you need? Can the same or better information be found in another source? (For example, an encyclopedia, text book, journal?) Is the information a primary source? Are you comfortable using this information? R elevance/Coverage : Does the information help answer your guiding question?
A uthority: The source of the web page.
What does the domain name, URL, reveal about the source of the information, if anything?.com = = education (college, university etc.).gov = government = school or non-profit = network, an extension for any domain A uthority : Who is the source of the web page? Who is the author, creator, or sponsor? Is contact information provided, such as an or mail address? Is the author associated with a known organization? Are the author’s credentials listed? Is the author an expert on the topic ? Is an organization sponsoring the page?
A ccuracy: The reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the informational content.
Are sources for the information included on the site? (Are links provided?) Can you verify (check) the information with another source? Are there spelling, grammar, or other typographical errors? A ccuracy : The reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the information.
P urpose/Objectivity: The presence of bias or prejudice/The reason the web site exists. Chico
What is the purpose of the page? to inform? teach? entertain? enlighten? sell? persuade? Are any biases or prejudices clearly stated? Can you easily separate advertising from information? Are opinions clearly labeled? P urpose/Objectivity: Why was the site created?
Now you know the CRAAP test!
References "Use the CRAAP Test to Evaluate Web Sites."January 22, California State University at Chico -- Merriam Library.
Post Assessment Now that you know about using “CRAAP” to check for reliable information, check out this web site. Would you use it? Why or why not?
School dress codes aren't just for students anymore - USA Today School dress codes aren't just for students anymore - USA Today School Dress Codes | Should A School Have A Say In What Parents Wear On School Property? School Dress Codes | Should A School Have A Say In What Parents Wear On School Property? Jul 27, EnlargeClose. Joe Songer, AP. Kindergarten teachers, who would meet new dress codes, at McAdory Middle School in Birmingham, Ala
Demo sites for Middle School Dress Code How to Dress in Middle School How to Dress in Middle School Once you enter middle school, you'll notice the rules about how to dress completely change. Your friends suddenly show interest in where everyone... Read more: middle school dress code | wcontent29#ixzz2806Xb6hSmiddle school dress code | wcontent29#ixzz2806Xb6hS Student Dress Codes in Public Schools: A Selective Annotated - AALL Student Dress Codes in Public Schools: A Selective Annotated - AALL Ms. Pedzich compiles and summarizes recent legal and educational literature on the constitutionality and viability of student dress codes in the public schools. (.pdf file from 2002, lists author's credentials and annotated bibliography from law journal) The Middle School Dress Code and Your Middle Schooler The Middle School Dress Code and Your Middle Schooler Your child will encounter numerous changes in middle school, and one of those might be the school rules that your student's school might enforce. The school... (article from y Jennifer O'Donnell, link to author credentials, copyright 2012, provides list of clothing to avoid, link to information on purpose of school uniforms.)