2,012 by 2012
2011/12 High level Objective Organisational Development Involving and engaging our people in a planned and systematic way to improve the effectiveness of our whole organisation Director of HR & OD Throughout 2011/12 we will deliver organisational improvement through our key themes of:- Employee and Organisational Health & Wellbeing, Employee Engagement and Trust Values and Organisational Culture During 2011/12 we will implement the Trust's Health and Wellbeing Strategy, leading to a reduction in sickness absence levels to below 5% by March During 2011/12 we will implement the Values programme of activity. This will embed our Values at all levels in the organisation, disseminating them throughout our business operations and processes maximising the potential of our people, leading to an improvement in our staff engagement measures.
HWE strategy – our vision “ To continually enhance our services users and carers experience by improving the health and well-being of the people who work for our Trust.”
One of our five strands… Enhancing the physical and mental well- being of our people – interventions are put in place that inform and empower staff to improve their health and well-being.
Runs over 12 months on the lead up to the 2012 Olympic Games. A selection of initiatives running through each month. These are all communicated and updated through different forums and our intranet. The themes alter each month but the underlying goal is to improve the general fitness and wellbeing of our staff. This initiative main aim is to improve the health and well-being of our staff and have a positive impact on the sickness levels and stress levels within our Trust. What is it and what are we trying to achieve?
Team 5BP A group of 13 volunteers from across the Trust who all have set their own personal challenge which centres around improving their physical fitness Every month they set themselves a new challenge which may be to attend some of the fitness classes or try a a new fitness routine Spending 1:1 time with a Personal Trainer to create a routine which will suit them to try at home or in the gym Time spent as a group with a nutritionist to discuss their diets Time spent as a group with a Sports Psychologist to learn about Mental Toughness
Tapas of Fitness Every month we visit one of the 5 Boroughs We run a fitness class every week of that month which is free for any of our staff to attend We offer a range of classes including Boxercise, Cardio Kick, Circuit Training and Conditioning This will hopefully provide enough variance to attract as many of our staff as possible It is provided on their door step so its easy to access straight from work
Every month we have a new challenge for people to sign up to via our Intranet page These are posted on our intranet with a whole host of information to support the challenge and a tracker sheet which they can download to track their progress The idea is that over the year, you can create a portfolio of things you have done which goes a long way to prove you can do these things and they arent that difficult Some examples of our challenges so far- Month 1 – ‘Get Drenched’ : Every day that you are in work, instead of that fizzy pop or black coffee, we challenge you to have water. Consume AT LEAST 3 litres of water during your day Month 2 – ‘Bread Bin’ : This month we challenge you to think of an alternative to your sandwich and have something different Challenge of the Month
Virtual Gym We have signed up for an annual membership to a brand new website which offers daily updated fitness class videos. Our staff can sign up and access this for free from their home These classes include circuit training, step, yoga and many more They can be downloaded and watched on your smart phone, computer or television and are perfect for those who cannot afford or who don’t want to go to the gym
Next Steps… We have asked for 50 volunteers from across the Trust to wear a pedometer for the months of June and July. We are trying to get the biggest cross section of staff possible to see who walks the furthest! We will have a leader board and prizes will go to Gold, Silver and Bronze We are planning to arrange a 5 Boroughs Marathon which will involve staff from across the Trust completing a route which touches each of the Boroughs which we work in We are always looking for new and exciting ideas which we can offer to our people