Bullying is when someone uses superior strength or influence to intimidate someone. Normally to force him/her to do what one wants. There are three different types of bullying. These three types of bullying are- o Verbal bullying: teasing, name- calling, taunting, or threatening to cause harm o Social bullying: leaving someone out on purpose, telling others not to be friends with them, spreading rumors, or embarrassing them o Physical bullying: hitting, kicking, pinching, spitting, tripping, pushing, taking or breaking their things, mean or rude hand gestures
There are many kids that are bullied in and outside of school. This can cause many effects, some of these effects are- o suicidal thoughts o Depression o Anxiety o Self harm o Changes in attitude/behavior o Changes in sleep and eating patterns o Health problems o Bullied kids can retaliate through extremely violent measure o May experience negative, physical, school, and mental health issues
Kids who are bullies can also engage in other violent and risky behaviors as they get older. Bullies are likely to- o Abuse alcohol or other drugs o Get into fights o Vandalize property o Drop out of school o Have criminal convictions and traffic citations o Be abusive to other people such as family and friends
A bystander is a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part. Bystanders are likely to- o Use tobacco, alcohol, or drugs o Increase mental health problems (depression, anxiety) o Miss or skip school What may bystanders do? o They may instigate the bully to begin o Stand there and watch the bullying happen, but never do anything about it
Cyberbullying is when electronic communication is used to bully someone. Typically by sending intimidating or threatening messages. Cyberbullying is different because it can happen at any time day or night, and any day no matter what time. -How does cyberbullying happen? o Can be used on cell phones, computers, and tablets these electronics may be used to bully others while on social media sites, text messaging, chats, games, and websites -what are the effects of cyberbullying? o Use of alcohol/drugs o Skipping school or unwilling to attend school o Experience in-person bullying o Poor grades o Lower self esteem o Health problems
Bullies may bully other people because they have a low self- esteem or they may have been bullied by their peers and they bully someone else to try and make themselves feel better. o What is a target? A target is someone the bully chooses to bully/pick on/hurt/be mean to o How do bullies choose their target? -anyone who is different(looks activities beliefs -people who are small/young/weak(not able to defend themselves) -those who will react quickly(cry/get upset) -kids that arent sporty/poor performers at school -someone socially anxious or shy
Bullying can be prevented in many ways. o Asses bullying(determine how often it happens, by who, and where) o Engage parents & youth(get as many as possible to stand together & send a message against bullying) o Create policies & rules(mission statement, code of conduct, etc.) o Build safe environment(establish culture, acceptance & respect) o Educate students & staff (build bullying prevention material)
o Cyberbullying o Bystanders o bullies
-Quotes o “Who are you to judge people without even knowing them?” o “They tell you to be yourself, then they judge you” o “Nobody has the right to define who you are. Be true to yourself, because your opinion is the only one that matters.” o “Suicide isn’t cowardly. I’ll tell you what is cowardly; treating people so badly they want to end their lives”