UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA DIPARTIMENTI DI SCIENZE POLITICHE E SOCIALI, STUDI UMANISTICI, GIURISPRUDENZA, INGEGNERIA INDUSTRIALE E DELL’INFORMAZIONE, SCIENZE ECONOMICHE E AZIENDALI Corso di Laurea interfacoltà in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimedialità NARRATIVES AND MECHANISM OF ACTION Stories that can change reality Relatore: Prof. Andrea Fontana Correlatore: Prof. Giampaolo Azzoni Tesi di Laurea di Erica Galletta Anno Accademico
THE NEUROBIOLOGICAL ASPECTS In 1990 Giacomo Rizzolatti, Luciano Fadiga, Leonardo Fogassi and Vittorio Gallese discovered the mirror neurons at the University of Parma.
Mirror Neurons Doctor Singer’s experiment Empathy and self- identification WORD and NARRATIONS Emotional and cognitive resonance of pain
The experiments of doctor Penfield CEREBRAL CORTEX STIMULATION activation deactivation MEMORIES HIGH FIDELITY RECORDER
Eric Berne’s Transactional Analysis Parent EGO STATESSCRIPT THEORY Destiny SCRIPT NARRATION Adult Child
Corporate Storytelling NARRATIONS = CONTROL 2007 SAILENT FAILS Example: World Bank Steve Denning Zambian Story Robert McKee Motivating the staff
Archetypal Branding Based on the concept of collective unconscious coined by Carl Jung Nonconformity Rebellion Guardian Angel Lover
Brand e Social Movements APPLE Revolution: Think Different NIKE For Skaters STILL FREE In Support of Writers
Neuromarketing The Product Placement
Neuromarketing Somatic Markers Sensory Branding
Mulino Bianco I II III IV V
Telecom Italia – Futura Francesca Istitutional Advert 2011 Francesca Spot 2012 – Consumers- generated Content
Enel – #Guerrieri Campaign Against Enel Blumagenta
Conclusions Today the narration phenomenon has reached all sorts of places in human life and it is still growing. In fact it is an essential and constitutive aspect of cerebral processes related to mnemonic power and social interaction, this is why the use of this technique enables us to stimulate deep reactions which can overcome rational barriers and influence our choices. On that basis, it is understandable that, only with a strong awareness of these mechanisms, we can escape conditionings and we can decide, from time to time, whether we want to indulge in narration, or not. Today the narration phenomenon has reached all sorts of places in human life and it is still growing. In fact it is an essential and constitutive aspect of cerebral processes related to mnemonic power and social interaction, this is why the use of this technique enables us to stimulate deep reactions which can overcome rational barriers and influence our choices. On that basis, it is understandable that, only with a strong awareness of these mechanisms, we can escape conditionings and we can decide, from time to time, whether we want to indulge in narration, or not.
Thank you for your attention.