Types of Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneur One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.
Brainstorm Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur
Inventor Comes up with ideas for entirely new products and services Comes up with ideas for entirely new products and services Thomas Edison Thomas Edison Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Eli Whitney Eli Whitney Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin Henry Ford Henry Ford James Naismith James Naismith
Brainstorm Traits of a Successful Inventor
Thomas Edison
Innovator Takes existing products or services and changes some aspect of them, such as features, size, or pricing Takes existing products or services and changes some aspect of them, such as features, size, or pricing Internet Internet Weapons Weapons Money Money
Marketing Entrepreneurs They do not change the product itself, but rather the way the product is perceived by consumers. They do not change the product itself, but rather the way the product is perceived by consumers. Burger King creates the left handed Whopper Burger King creates the left handed Whopper