“Entrepreneurs Change The World!” Emprendedor XXI Emprendedor XXI Madrid Launchpad 2009 Professor Alan Barrell – Entrepreneur in Residence – Cambridge University Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning
A Preview The WorldFinancial Crisis Eye on The World and the Financial Crisis Heroes – Large and Smaller Entrepreneurs Are Entrepreneurs Different ? Entrepreneur Being an Entrepreneur Technology – Wow ! And then there is Technology – Wow ! International The International Dimension Networks, Networks, Networks ! the Money $$! Show Me the Money $$! Messages for Missionaries
Casting an Eye on the World’s Financial Crisis – What’s changed ?
Who said these words and When “I believe the banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered”
Who said these words and When “I believe the banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered” Thomas Jefferson 1778
And what about these… “The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be replenished, Public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest our Nation become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance”
And what about these… “The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be replenished, Public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest our Nation become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance” Marcus Cicero 55 BC
Situations are what WE make them !.... bestworst It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…. wisdom,foolishness It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.. belief,incredulity It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity Light, Darkness It was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness hopedespair It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…. everything nothing We had everything before us, we had nothing before us direct to heaven “the other place” We were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct to “the other place” Charles Dickens – “A Tale of two Cities” 1859
Global Financial Crisis - How did one survive…. before affluence became commonplace?....
Boom started But - think Boom ….not Gloom…. many successful businesses started in recessions…. “I started the Cobra Beer Company in a deep Recession – and it proved to be the best time for me….introducing something innovative and exciting changed the way people thought about Indian Food and Beer” Lord Karan Bilimoria Founder – Cobra Beer
Timing can be everything…. Is the time right to make the Entrepreneurial move?.... “There is nothing more powerful than an Idea whose time has come……” Jules Verne
This strange looking team also started in a recession….but got their timing right
And in 30 years, became a powerful engine of Growth, Change and Innovation – their ideas changed the World…. Microsoft Corporation, 1978
lots But the eye on the World shows lots of changes….its not just the finances….
The Changing Horizon Environment Issues The death of deference New employment patterns Organisations Globalisation Technology
Changes in Industrial Structure - UK % of Total Employment - UK Government Foresight Report
Changes in Industrial Structure - Europe % of Total Employment
Global Dynamics – Manufacturing has Migrated Two fifths of the Worlds people live in the two fastest growing large economies – China and India Education, Wealth Creation and New Knowledge are at the heart of Economic Planning in Asia Growth in Asia is far ahead of Europe. Dynamic Growth in Manufacturing Base CASH is in place in the Asian economies – as well as brainpower- China has US$ 2 Trillions of reserves Labour and Material cost advantages +++++
Sources of Competitiveness Creativity Risk Speed Reputation Cost Values Learning Information
Wherever Competition comes from….things can change fast – Today’s Peacock can be Tomorrow’s Feather Duster !
And then there is Technology - Impact of the Continuous Technology Revolution Compared to an average DAY in 2003…. All international phone calls 1971 All airline passengers 1975 All mobile phones 1984 All s 1992 All SMS 1998 Source: Analysys, World Bank and ITU
Converging And Technologies are working together - Three Pervasive and Converging Technology Platforms BIO TECH Pharmaceuticals Diagnostics Research/Info Tools Industrial Genomics Bioinformatics Proteomics INFO TECH Hardware Software Communications NANO TECH Electrical Structural Biomedical Energy & Environment Biosensors Biochips Bioelectronics Microfluidics Nanobiotechnology Drug Delivery Nanodevices Nanosensors Nanoelectronics
HEROES ? What about those HEROES ? Where shall we begin?
A Spanish Business Angel…. Who helped our Hero Christopher
An Imaginitive Hero….
Einstein on IMAGINATION…. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world” Albert Einstein
Pericles – “First Citizen of Athens” – Soldier, Thinker, Leader, “Culture, Beauty, Glory”
Aristotle – Plato – “Before their time – Thinkers, Philosophers, Leaders”
Confucius and “imagining the middle way”….
Francisco Pizarro
Pedro de Valdivia - founding of Santiago de Chile
Mr Tan Kah Kee Hero of Xiamen University
“To get rich is GLORIOUS” Deng Xiaoping 1982 A more recent Chinese Hero
A REAL Hero….he changed the WORLD ! From a prison cell
A Hero’s Home for 18 Years….Could WE have survived it ?
Heroes can show Humility “Be the Change you want to see in the World” Mahatma Ghandi
Innovators can be Heroes unexpectedly…. Who gave us the Worldwide Web – The Internet ? It was as recently as 1992…. changed the World…. An Idea that became a Reality and changed the World…. Why Why did he make his Innovation?.....
“You look at things and ask - why? but I dream of things that never were and ask - George Bernard Shaw why not?” Entrepreneurs So - thinking of Imagination….What’s different about Entrepreneurs ?
Europe’s Entrepreneurial Imperitive – Josef Schumpeter “ Entrepreneurs blow gales of creative destruction.” Role of the entrepreneur in transforming economies by developing: New products New methods of production New ways of organizing Untapped raw materials Enhanced competitive performance Being an Entrepreneur means being different and bringing change
The drivers for change….Socio- Political….Entrepreneurial Influence ??.... (Prof Shai Vyakarnam – Cambridge 2008) Berlin Wall Hasselhof China India Migrations Within and into Europe Single Economic system Completely new markets Is there a shift in economic centre of gravity?
More examples….Entrepreneurship and People / Society Making a united Europe a reality Transforming lives of the poor Democratising knowledge – “Education Without Borders” – “Liberate Minds” Creating breakthrough technology enterprises
Familiar Face….
As a younger man - Charles Darwin – “Natural Selection Adaptability and Survival” Darwin’s Bicentenary this year. A “Naturalist Entrepreneur”
Darwin’s Theories - Natural Selection, Adaptation, Symbiosis Synergy and Service Delivery What works for meat ants and leaf hoppers Can be true for Companies and Business Models?
Proximity of Learning, Research and Practical Application “The Innovation Campus” R&DEducation Applications thrive Where open innovation new ideas and new companies can thrive
Can we complete the Jig Saw - by putting technology to work Technology Customer need Innovative service company
Completing the Jigsaw – Service Delivery Innovation Business Model Technology Customer need Innovative service company Creating a Business Opportunity by finding and alleviating a pain – developing innovative services or designs – Entrepreneurs at work!
Technology and Service Companies and Synergy – Open Innovation and the “Innovation Campus” HEALTH KNOWLEDGE CREATION INFORMATION and COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Basic Research Sound & vision Bio-pharmaceuticals Computing Publishing Medical services Bio-informatics Medical devices and scientific instruments University/ Research Institutes Inkjet printing Wireless Telecoms Networking Technology ConsultingMedical research Education
Entrepreneurial Overlap – “Joined Up Thinking and Actions” – Coherence and Common Purpose in Communities EDUCATION & RESEARCH including Universities INDUSTRY & BUSINESS GOVERNMENT National & Local
Funding Innovative Companies – “Show me the Money $$$$!” Maturity Risk “Our Money” Family and Friends and Fools Business Angels Early Stage VC Expansion Capital B A N K F I N A N C E ?? Seed Funds Pre-IPO And there are Grants and Tax Credits
“How do we get to the money ? Where is the $$$$ trail ?” Connecting and Information Points and Principles Networks and Networking – importance Business Schools and Entrepreneurship Centres Region wide and cross border Other Entrepreneurs / Support and Mentoring Structures Online Channels – numerous eg…. “Network Nodes” – Individual referrals Cross Border contacts Attitudes and Culture France and it’s Wealth Tax….Thank you M. Sarkosy ! the investors ? Is our presentation material aimed at the investors ? investors criteria ? Have we studied the investors criteria ?
Show me the MONEY! – So maybe we can we find investors hanging out here?....
The Early Stage Business Balance – what do investors look for? In ANY innovative company ? – Entrepreneurs take note…. And they like to see experienced Chairman and Directors - Mentors for Innovative Companies Inspired Leadership Enthusiasm Bullshit Courage OptimismVision Creativity Management Research & Analysis Caution Process Financial Control Market Knowledge
allEmprendedors Best Wishes to all Emprendedors in Spain from your friends in Cambridge !
WELCOME – to All who will attend! 11th Year 2009
In of Excellence ! In Pursuit of Excellence ! “ Excellence can be achieved, if we: Care more than others think is wise, Risk more than others think is safe, Dream more than others think is practical, Expect more than others think is possible.” Deborah Johnson-Ross Maybe Entrepreneurs think this way?....Innovative Service Companies need to if they are to Excel….
Thank you for your attention…. More on my website – –