ENTREPRENEURS ARE Non-Conformist Risk-taken Flexible Hard-working Goal-setter Enthusiastic Optimistic Resourceful Independent Hard working Strong leader
PASSION FOR WORK Sense of optimism Sense of purpose Sense of challenge Sense of ownership whatever you do Entrepreneurial success is a highly collaborative process
KEY INGREDIENTS FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP Personal characteristics Technical know-how Marketable Idea Contacts for Assistance Financial Resources Potential customers Supportive Life-style Personal Motivation Leadership Experience
CREATIVITY A new way of thinking about everything Openness to change Willing to try new things Persistence in seeking possibilities Open to brainstorming ideas Dedication to doing it better Thinking about what you see and hear
TYPE OF ENTREPRENEURS Self-Employed Team Builders Inventors Pattern Multipliers Economy of Scale Operators Acquirers Speculators Internal Entrepreneurs
BUSINESS PLAN PART I Description of the Business Products/Services Unique competitive advantages Growth opportunities Goals and objectives
BUSINESS PLAN PART II Production /Operations Plan Suppliers Regulations Layout Inventory Controls Equipment
BUSINESS PLAN PART III Marketing Plan Target Market/Current size and potentials Industry characteristics and trends Competitors Marketing strategies
BUSINESS PLAN PART IV Management Plan Legal issues Support systems Organizational systems Employee Management
BUSINESS PLAN PART V Financial Plan Income Estimation Estimation of costs Cash flow planning Personal financial needs Financing options