E NTREPRENEUR An entrepreneur is a person who venture out,takes calculated risk, takes the responsibility of his success and failures and constantly strive for growth and excellence.
QUALITIES OF ENTREPRENEURS 1) A strong desire to win (NEED FOR ACHIVEMENT ) 2) An approach of never-say-die (PERSERVERANCE) 3) Entrepreneurs prefer a middle-of-the road strategy while handling tricky situation. (MODERATE RISK BEARING) 4) Alert to opportunities and sizing them to their advantage. (ABILITY TO EXPLORE OPPORTUNITY) 5) They have a dispassionate approach to problems (ANALYTICAL ABILITY)
6. It is important for them to know how they are learning from the experience when they work on their goals. (USING FEEDBACK) 7. Entrepreneurs do not get deterred by unfamiliar situations (FACING UNCERTAINTY) 8. They dislike working for others. (INDEPENDENCE) 9. They are flexible
10. Entrepreneurs think ahead of others and plan for the future (PLANNING) 11. Entrepreneurs can deal with people at all levels (INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) 12. They can influence others (MOTIVATION) 13. They can work for long hours and simultaneously tackle different problems. (WITHSTANDING STRESS) 14. They know themselves (POSITIVE SELF- CONCEPT)