The Young Entrepreneur Association’s Advocacy Role in Jordan Laith Al-Qasem President, YEA
What is YEA Jordanian NGO Established in 1998 Vision: The YEA strives to create an entrepreneurial and leadership culture as the cornerstone of national economic development. Mission: Creating outstanding young entrepreneurs through idea exchange, fellowship, education, training and advocacy, to enhance entrepreneurs’ skill level allowing them to compete in the global economy.
List of YEA Advocacy Efforts Education white paper (1999) Jordan Vision 2020 Part 1 ( USAID funded) Jordan Vision 2020 Part 2 ( USAID funded) Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (2003, 2004 MoPIC funded) Sawtouna (2007 CIPE funded)
Results of YEA Advocacy Efforts Education White Paper JV 2020 Part 1 JV 2020 Part 2 Introduction of English language at 1 st grade Public Sector focused To improve environment 37 civil society organizations cooperated. First time that the private sector ever came together to discuss national economic development Sector focused More balanced approach (public and private sector focused) Focused on 10 export oriented sectors Introduction of computers into the class room 54 recommendations 16% not implemented Joined WTO Joined NAFTA 7 sectors are making progress and implementing recommendations Changing mindset in Private sector Introduction of Internet use Reduced tariffs Streamlined some government processes (customs, MoIT, etc.) Increase in exports Reorganization of sector (participation)
Results of YEA Advocacy Efforts GEM 1 GEM 2 SAWTOUNA Introduced the concept of entrepreneurship at the national levels as an important economic development tool Government has become aware of entrepreneurship as an Increased number of incubators Introduction of entrepreneurship in official government language MoPIC interested in and using entrepreneurship as a concept Local business plan competitions (YEA, QRNEC) Establishment of entrepreneurial centers (QRNEC) Increased educational awareness about entrepreneurship Increased attempts at establishing venture capital Efforts based on some GEM recommendations Reduction of minimum capital requirements from 30,000 to 1,000 (now in parliament) Attempts to simplify company licensing and registration (MoIT and the Amman Municipality)
Results of YEA Advocacy Efforts GEM 1 GEM 2 SAWTOUNA Introduced the concept of entrepreneurship at the national levels as an important economic development tool Government has become aware of entrepreneurship as an Increased number of incubators Introduction of entrepreneurship in official government language MoPIC interested in and using entrepreneurship as a concept Local business plan competitions (YEA, QRNEC) Establishment of entrepreneurial centers (QRNEC) Increased educational awareness about entrepreneurship Increased attempts at establishing venture capital Reducing and clarifying taxation; income tax, sales tax, and customs’ duties Enforcing intellectual property laws Reforming the national education curriculum to include critical thinking and “soft” skills Reformation of laws that hinder the ability of financial institutions to support start-ups
Results of YEA Advocacy Efforts SAWTOUNA Creation of a new draft company’s law that is now underway. Sawtouna was a member of the advisory committee for the new law and the minimum capital requirement was reduced from 30,000 JDs to 1,000 JDs within it based on Sawtouna’s suggested reforms Communication with the public, building an awareness base was achieved through a series of articles, and a radio show Creation of a relationship with the Jordanian parliament through hosting debates, creating a student staffers program, and attendance of parliamentary sessions Creation of a corporate lobbying series Building an association coalition from private sector organizations and associations Sawtouna was assigned to work with the Companies Control Directorate by the Minister of Industry and Trade