Demonstrative Adjectives To express “this/these” or “that/those”
THIS and THESE este (masculine sing.) esta (feminine sing.) When the clothing item is CLOSE to you, we use…. este (masculine sing.) esta (feminine sing.) estos (masculine plural) estas (feminine plural)
Ejemplos… To say “these blouses” = estas blusas To say “this t-shirt” = esta camiseta To say “this shoe” = este zapato To say “these hats” = estos sombreros
THAT and THOSE ese (masculine sing.) esa (feminine sing.) When the clothing item is FAR away from you, we use… ese (masculine sing.) esa (feminine sing.) esos (masculine plural) esas (feminine plural)
A few notes.. To make este/ese plural, we have to change the “e” to “o” before adding the “s” These adjectives go BEFORE the noun
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