. Ten Qualities of Prophet Mohammed as successful entrepreneur.


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Presentation transcript:

. Ten Qualities of Prophet Mohammed as successful entrepreneur

Islam is a complete way of life The revelation from Allah and the teaching of prophet Muhammad are not confined only to the belief and morals systems but also include the law that is suitable to be implemented to mankind.. There is no separation between business and religion.

By virtue of human Nature the Muslim entrepreneurs are khalifah, and have the responsibilities to develop prosperity and sees business as part of ibadah or good deed. Islam encouraged its Ummah to venture into business prophet Muhammad said that 9 out of 10 sources of rizque can be found in business. You are the khalifah of Allah !!!

Why we need a role model ? No community has been without its righteous guides and teachers to help its people towards the truth and to lead them from the depths of darkness to the light of Islam. Aristotle believes that we learn to be moral (virtuous) by modeling the behavior of moral people.

Who is our role model? He maintained the best characteristics in his roles as father, husband, friend, ruler, governor, teacher, statesman, protector of the weak, widows, and poor, a guide to the rich, a guardian of the orphans, and a servant of Allah. No one could ever equal the Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wa sallam) in the whole history of mankind and no one ever will, insha Allah.

Almighty Allah says: “There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often.” [Al-Ahzab 33:21]

My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.

Ten qualities of prophet Mohammed : 1- Honesty 2- Trustworthy 3- Flexibility 4- Conscious responsibility 5- Good manner with his companions 6- Consulting his companions 7-The Messenger of God (pbuh) would serve himself. 8-Recognizing His Companions’ Skills 9 -Correcting His Companions’ Mistakes 10- Gentleness is a key quality of Prophet Muhammad

1- Honesty Honesty descended from the Heavens and settled in the roots of the hearts of men (faithful believers), and then the Quran was revealed and the people read the Quran, (and learnt it from it) and also learnt from the sayings and traditions. Both the Quran and the traditions strengthened their honesty. (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

Honesty Undoubtedly, no one can be more truthful and honest than the Messengers of God. Muhammad proved by his living example that he was the most truthful and honest person of his age. Everyone was impressed by his honesty and truthfulness. He was a poor orphan, who had started trading with his uncle, but in a very short time, owing to his honest and fair dealings with all people, he became well-known and respected. He was known as Al-Sadiq (the Truthful) and Al-Amin (the Faithful)

2-Trustworthy The second attribute of Prophethood is amana, an Arabic word which means ‘trustworthiness’. It is derived from the same root as the word mu’min, believer. Being a believer implies being ‘a trustworthy person’. Trustworthiness is such an essential aspect of belief that Prophet Muhammad once declared: "One who is not trustworthy is not a believer" (Ahmad). He also described a believer as one whom the people trust with their blood and property. (At-Tirmidhi)

3-Flexibility Muhammad (s) was never strict in his business dealings with others. Sa’ib ibn al-Sa’ib relates: During the age of ignorance, I was his [the Prophet’s] trade partner, and I found him the best of the partners in every respect. He neither argued with anyone nor was he obstinate and nor did he blame anything on his partner

In a hadith reported by Abdullah b. Omar Prophet Muhammad said: "We are all shepherds and we are all responsible for those who are under our hands (i.e. in our flocks). An administrator is a shepherd. The man is the shepherd of the family. A woman is the shepherd of her husband's home and children. We are all shepherds and we all are responsible for our duties as such." 4-Consciousness of Responsibility

"I am more rightful than other believers to be the guardian of the believers, so if a Muslim dies while in debt, I am responsible for the repayment of his debt, and whoever leaves wealth (after his death) it will belong to his heirs." (Al-Bukhari).

The Prophet was very close to his companions, and this is well-known when one reads the detailed reports about the Prophet’s biography. The Prophet (pbuh) is the example which we should emulate in all our matters. Jareer b. Abdullah said: ‘The Prophet (pbuh) did not prevent me from sitting with him since I accepted Islam. He always smiled when he looked at me. I once complained to him that I could not ride a horse and he hit me in my chest and supplicated God, saying: "O God! Steady him, and make him a person who guides others and a source of guidance." (Bukhari #5739) 5-Good manner with his companions

The Prophet (pbuh) would consult his Companions, and take their opinions and points of view into consideration in issues and matters for which no textual proofs were revealed. Abu Hurairah said: "I have not seen a person more keen for the sincere advice of his companions than the Messenger of God (pbuh)." (Tirmidthi #1714) 6-Consulting his companions

In line with the divine command: {… and consult with them in the matter…} (Al `Imran, 3: 159), Prophet Muhammad used to consult with his companions before taking any decision. The Prophet’s counseling with his companions were so common that Abu Hurairah is reported to have said: "I never saw anyone consult his companions more often than the Messenger of Allah." (Ahmad

7-The Messenger of God (pbuh) would serve himself: A’ishah said: "I was asked how the Messenger of God (pbuh) behaved in his house. She said: ‘He was like any man; he washed his clothes, milked his sheep, and served himself." (Ahmed 24998) The Prophet’s excellent manners, not only made him serve himself; rather, he would serve others as well. A’ishah said: "I was asked how the Messenger of God (pbuh) behaved in his house. She said: ‘He would help out in the house with the daily chores, and when he heard the Adthan he would leave [everything and head] for the Mosque." (Bukhari 5048)

A good leader is one who sees the positive traits of his team members and invests in them. This is exactly what the Prophet (peace be upon him) did with his companions. One of the famous companions, Bilal ibn Rabah, had a very beautiful voice, and the Prophet being aware of this gift declared Bilal to be his official mu’adhin (one who calls Muslims to prayer). On the other hand, the Prophet (peace be upon him) refused to offer another distinguished companion, Abu Dharr al-Ghifari, an administrative responsibility because he lacked the required skills 8-Recognizing His Companions’ Skills

9- Correcting His Companions’ Mistakes. What is more important is learning from our mistakes and not repeating them. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) confirmed this meaning in his famous hadith which reads: "Every son of Adam makes mistakes, and the best of those who make mistakes are those who repent." (At Tirmidhi) Following the Quranic guidance, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) applied the same methodology when correcting his companions’ mistakes because he felt that it is his duty to do so, being the chosen Prophet (peace be upon him) to guide people to God.

10-Gentleness is a key quality of Prophet Muhammad Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) loved his companions and cared for them a lot. His care and concern covered even those who had died, and this should be the quality of entrepreneur he should care about his employee more than any thing.

It is now the Muslims’ turn to re-live the conduct of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and embrace it in their daily lives. If Muslims claim that they love their Prophet, they have to demonstrate this love by following the Prophet’s footsteps and his guidance in all walks of life; at home, at work, with their families, with relatives, with friends, with neighbors regardless of their race, faith, color or status. Conclusion