Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session A) Strengthening rural entrepreneurship by connecting the local production with other economic activities
How can local products ensure added value for the producers while contributing to integrated local development? Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
Added value for producers Providing access to new higher value markets Enhancement of employment opportunities Increasing income Increasing local spending Strengthening local market skills and marketing know-how Developing consumer awareness Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
Added value for producers (cont΄ed) Encouraging small scale processing in the farm Enhancing the neighborhood bond between local producers and their community Reduced environmental impact from short supply chains and positive health effects from consuming locally grown food increase the marketing profile of the producer Adopting certification processes and pursuing quality awards in compliance with market demands Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
Contribution to integrated local development Diversification strengthens economic and social structures and contributes to coherence Creation of gastronomic destinations enhances local economy Local networking of producers, processors and service providers leads to business integration and local inter- sectoral link Fosters innovation, knowledge transfer, information dispersal and economies of scale Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
By what means and through which mechanisms are synergies developed between different economic activities in order to maximise the economic effect? Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
Means and mechanisms that form synergies Development of local infrastructure and local basic services in rural areas Coordination of strategies and actions on national and local level Co-funding by multiple structural funds and regional initiatives with special focus on SMEs Embracing the principles of bio-economy to create possibilities for new business Establishing joint activities of different economic actors Create the pre-requisites for urban-rural relationships Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
Means and mechanisms that form synergies (cont΄ed) Short supply chains and regional and local markets Targeted marketing of local products and exploration of alternative markets Development of sustainable tourist destinations based on the cooperation of public and private actors Creation and mobilisation of producer groups and organisations Locally-driven and locally specific targeted interventions States with large scale production effectively promote “local” products through large retailers Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
Which measures offered by the new regulation for rural development can contribute to the objective above? Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
Measures that can contribute to the objective Those that encourage rural entrepreneurship, such as investments in physical assets (Art 17) and farm and business development (Art 19) Those that promote cooperation and connection of local producers, such as quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs (Art 16) and setting-up of producers groups and organisations (Art 27) and Those that strengthen the development of synergies and connections between rural entrepreneurship, local production and other economic activities, such as knowledge transfer (Art 14), advisory services (Art 15) cooperation (Art 35), basic services and village renewal in rural areas (Art 20) and LEADER local development (Art 42-44). Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
B) The contribution of rural entrepreneurship in job creation and social cohesion
How can entrepreneurship contribute to job creation in rural areas and among which target groups? Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
Contribution of entrepreneurship in job creation Rural entrepreneurship is a core element for job creation and maintenance Rural entrepreneurship creates jobs for the agriculture sector Rural entrepreneurship is considered as diversification of rural activity – Traditional activities – Innovative solutions and approaches Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
Job creation and maintenance should focus on the following target groups SMEs Young people and women Farmers and family members Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
Special consideration for rural entrepreneurship Employ, expand and make profitable use of local resources, produce services needed in the local area Efficiency of enterprises – Innovative and ICT solutions – Cooperation – Networking – Broadband Stimulation of the role of the private sector and facilitation of funding Holistic approach – looking for real targets New services may be produced via SMEs because the services are still needed in those areas and the income will stay at the local area and will enable new development Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
Through which actions can the new RDP contribute to this target? Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
Actions of the new RDP that contribute in job creation Business startup – Art. 19 Business and farm development – Art. 19 Investments in physical assets – Art. 17 Provision of basic services – Art. 20 Investments in human capital, innovation, networking and quality schemes – Art. 14, 15, 16, 35 LEADER / CLLD approach – Art Financial instruments Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
What is the social role of rural production (social farming etc.) and how can this contribute to social cohesion? Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
Social role of rural production and contribution to social cohesion Rural production is essential for social cohesion and participation in rural communities Rural business are in many ways a platform for civil society Rural business and production have a multifunctional role regarding the following: – Social integration – Social innovation – Provision of social and other services to populations in both rural and urban areas Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session
Social interventions implementation Need for synergies between different funds and Operational Programs Need for guidance and exchange of best practices Contribution of LEADER/CLLD approach Public understanding and knowledge about core values of farming and rural activity and their social contribution should be reinforced and communicated Presentation of the workshop results to the plenary session