BBI 201 Entrepreneurship Project Rubric and Choice Board
BBI 201 Entrepreneurship Project Each student is to submit a fact sheet on their entrepreneur Each student may choose 1 item from the choice board You may select one topic from “The Greatest Canadian Inventions” or Select another entrepreneur and inform your teacher NO DUPLICATE TOPICS!
BBI 201: ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROJECT CHOICES Mind Map/Prezi Create a visual map of your entrepreneur. There is technology online and in the library to help you with this. Use Smart Ideas/Prezi. See me for help! Windows Movie Maker Create a video about your entrepreneur. Use props and appropriate music. Include your own narration. Poster/Collage Create a poster/collage for your decade topic and present it to the class. Comic Life/Bitstrip Write and present a comic strip on your greatest Canadian invention or entrepreneur. Interview With An Entrepreneur Interview an entrepreneur and write a reflection MUSICAL Write a song and record it using Audacity or Movie Maker on your entrepreneur. Create a game or website Why not create a Jeopardy or who wants to be a millionaire? PowerPoint game on your Entrepreneur? How about a website? Speech/Script/Play write a script/play/speech on your Canadian Invention/Entrepreneur. Present it to the class using props, music, etc. Collector Card Create a limited edition, collectible trading card (similar to baseball card). Include your entrepreneurs information on your card using online free card generators.
KNOWLEDGE / UNDERSTANDING EVALUATION OF TIC-TAC-TOE MENU Entrepreneurship Project KNOWLEDGE / UNDERSTANDING - demonstrates knowledge of facts within the interpersonal skills unit demonstrates understanding of relationships between positive and negative social behaviour between friends, in group settings, and in family situations LEVEL 1 2 3 4 COMMUNICATION - uses various forms of communication to demonstrate his/her understanding of interpersonal skills - uses language and vocabulary learned in the interpersonal skills unit with accuracy and effectiveness signs of appropriate editing is evident LEVEL 1 2 3 4 APPLICATION - tasks show a transfer of ideas (interpersonal skills) to new contexts - connections are made between one’s own personal experiences and the world outside of school ( family, work situations, friends) there is evidence of the use of effective technology in any of the tasks THINKING / INQUIRY - tasks show a use of creative and critical thinking skills - inquiry skills are evident in the tasks in the form of thoughtful questioning, in the analyzing and interpreting if interpersonal skills in all situations, and forming honest and constructive conclusions about one’s own behaviour