Qualified Financial Services presents our 2005 Kick-Off Meeting and New Year Cheer The curtain will rise on January 26, 2005 Guest speakers include ~ Art Schooley and Marianne Bertrand Art is one of Manulife Financial’s most successful managers with 34 years of experience. He has studied what the most successful advisors are doing. His talk on “ The Best Of The Best” will show you how to achieve maximum results in Marianne, an entrepreneur who has won the Innovation Award in 2002 for the world famous Muttluks. Marianne will discuss how she grew from a home based business to a 15,000 foot manufacturing facility. Her unique blend of entrepreneur chutzpah and innovative product design is not only a winning combination, but has proven to be quite inspirational to novice entrepreneurs. Marianne, an entrepreneur who has won the Innovation Award in 2002 for the world famous Muttluks. Marianne will discuss how she grew from a home based business to a 15,000 foot manufacturing facility. Her unique blend of entrepreneur chutzpah and innovative product design is not only a winning combination, but has proven to be quite inspirational to novice entrepreneurs. I ______________________________ will be attending the Kick-Off meeting I _______________________________ will not be attending the Kick-Off meeting I _______________________________ will be attending the New Year Cheer Or call Nicole at (416) ext 300 Please print and return by January 10th, 2005
Kick-Off Meeting You have been cordially invited to our meeting which will be held at the Holiday Inn – Yorkdale DeHavilland Hall DeHavilland Hall 3450 Dufferin Street 3450 Dufferin Street 1:00pm to 5:00pm Agenda is as follows: 1:00pm to 1:30pm 1:30pm to 1:40pm 1:40pm to 2:25 pm 2:25pm to 2:35pm 2:35pm to 2:45pm Kevin Cott AIG Marianne Bertrand Canada Life Industrial Alliance/National Life Empire Life Art Schooley ManulifeUnum Don Hart & Larry Gagnier 3:00pm to 3:10pm 3:10pm to 4:15pm 4:15pm to 4:25pm 4:35pm to 5:00pm BREAK at 2:45pm to 3:00pm
New Year Cheer Join us in bringing in the New Year at Qualified Financial Services 3625 Dufferin St, Suite 340 Toronto, Ontario Wednesday, January 26, 2005 Time: 5:30pm to 7:30pm Wine and Cheese Please RSVP to Nicole at (416) ext. 300 by January 10, Hope to see you all there!