Types of Logos 1.Font based 2.Subject based 3.Abstract
Font based logos Font-based logos consist primarily of a type treatment. The logos of IBM, Microsoft and Sony, for instance, use type treatments with a twist that makes them distinctive.
Subject Based Logos Then there are logos that literally illustrate what a company does, such as when a house- painting company uses an illustration of a brush in its logo.
Abstract symbols Symbols linked to the company brand
Cite from entrepreneur.com How to create a logo Read more: 2NYuorl3S 2NYuorl3S
Creating Logos Techniques
Visual Surprises Wake up your senses! How?
Try the unexpected
Manipulate images
Used borrowed motifs
Go for the unusual
Mix up Media and techniques
Create Contrast
Logo tips Make your logo simple and meaningful- People can easily memorize a simple object with some kind of meaning. Give a good feel to your logo – –Avoid too many sharp edges as they can create a feeling of danger or caution –Use a color which makes the logo look noticeable but not too intimidating Use an art style that is unique, easily reproducible, and is suitable for your business market.