Update on Q1 TAS REGION (18 to 22m), layouts. D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting1.


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Presentation transcript:

Update on Q1 TAS REGION (18 to 22m), layouts. D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting1

Motivation. Reduce and improve interventions in view of LS3. Q1-TAS is a difficult access area, space is very limited and subject to high radiation doses (ALARA considerations). D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting2



Baseline lay-out Assumed BPM integrated into Q1. Bellows between Q1-TAS. Vacuum equipment inside FIN and at IP side (CMS cavern). D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting5 ST etude IP5L_version 1 vide cote IP5 ST Integration vers 1 proposition 1 ST Ligne vide cote Q1 version 1 CATIA models

Situation actuelle D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting mm 990mm 1480mm

Quick connectors D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting 7

Situation actuelle D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting mm 150 mm

D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting 9 Situation actuelle

D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting 10 Situation actuelle

Baseline scénario D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting 11

Baseline scénario D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting 12

Baseline scénario D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting 13

Baseline scénario: les 2 vannes coté IP (passage tuyauteries gaz + vide a l’exterieur du FIN) D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting 14

TAXS next steps, detail studies Vacuum Alignment (BP support) Installation Interventions, remote handling Risk assessment Timeline for LS2 needs to freeze lay-out during next year. D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting15

TAXN at P8 Timeline D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting16