Montana Builders Exchanges
Montana’s Pipeline to Bidders
Montana Builders Exchanges Montana’s Pipeline to Bidders We get your plans where they need to be!
A History Builders Exchanges pre-date all other nationally recognized construction associations, and are the oldest form of cooperative alliance between segments of the construction industry in North America other than trade unions and guilds. The first Builders Exchange of record opened in 1862, in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Montana Exchanges
Montana Exchanges- Billings In business since 1955 In business since 1955 Serving over 500 members Serving over 500 members Billings Builders Exchange
Montana Exchanges- Great Falls In business since 1958 In business since 1958 Serving over 240 members Serving over 240 members Great Falls Builders Exchange
Montana Exchanges- Missoula In business for over 30 years In business for over 30 years Serving over 300 members Serving over 300 members Missoula Plans Exchange
Montana Exchanges- Bozeman In business for over 25 years In business for over 25 years Serving over 300 members Serving over 300 members Builders Exchange Bozeman
How does a Builders Exchange or Plan Room work?
Plan Issuer (Engineer, Architect, General Contractor, Owner) sends plans to the Exchanges Plan Issuer (Engineer, Architect, General Contractor, Owner) sends plans to the Exchanges
How does a Builders Exchange or Plan Room work? Plan Issuer (Engineer, Architect, General Contractor, Owner) sends plans to the Exchanges Plan Issuer (Engineer, Architect, General Contractor, Owner) sends plans to the Exchanges Exchange makes the plans available to all of it’s members – in the plan room or using our on-line plan room. Exchange makes the plans available to all of it’s members – in the plan room or using our on-line plan room.
How does a Builders Exchange or Plan Room work? Plan Issuer (Engineer, Architect, General Contractor, Owner) sends plans to the Exchanges Plan Issuer (Engineer, Architect, General Contractor, Owner) sends plans to the Exchanges Exchange makes the plans available to all of it’s members – in the plan room or using our on-line plan room. Exchange makes the plans available to all of it’s members – in the plan room or using our on-line plan room. Contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers bid on the project. Contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers bid on the project.
Why use Builders Exchanges for plan distribution?
You will be able to reduce the cost and number of plan sets you purchase while increasing your coverage. You will be able to reduce the cost and number of plan sets you purchase while increasing your coverage.
Why use Builders Exchanges for plan distribution? You will be able to reduce the cost and number of plan sets you purchase while increasing your coverage. You will be able to reduce the cost and number of plan sets you purchase while increasing your coverage. The exchanges are prepared to produce their own sets for plan room use at a price you would normally pay for volume production. The exchanges are prepared to produce their own sets for plan room use at a price you would normally pay for volume production.
Why use Builders Exchanges for plan distribution? You will be able to reduce the cost and number of plan sets you purchase while increasing your coverage. You will be able to reduce the cost and number of plan sets you purchase while increasing your coverage. The exchanges are prepared to produce their own sets for plan room use at a price you would normally pay for volume production. The exchanges are prepared to produce their own sets for plan room use at a price you would normally pay for volume production. You will reach suppliers across the entire state. You will reach suppliers across the entire state.
Why use Builders Exchanges for plan distribution? You will be able to reduce the cost and number of plan sets you purchase while increasing your coverage. You will be able to reduce the cost and number of plan sets you purchase while increasing your coverage. The exchanges are prepared to produce their own sets for plan room use at a price you would normally pay for volume production. The exchanges are prepared to produce their own sets for plan room use at a price you would normally pay for volume production. You will reach suppliers across the entire state. You will reach suppliers across the entire state. It is rare when a project being bid for one city does not find interest from suppliers living in another city. It is rare when a project being bid for one city does not find interest from suppliers living in another city.
Why use Builders Exchanges for plan distribution? You will be able to reduce the cost and number of plan sets you purchase while increasing your coverage. You will be able to reduce the cost and number of plan sets you purchase while increasing your coverage. The exchanges are prepared to produce their own sets for plan room use at a price you would normally pay for volume production. The exchanges are prepared to produce their own sets for plan room use at a price you would normally pay for volume production. You will reach suppliers across the entire state. You will reach suppliers across the entire state. It is rare when a project being bid for one city does not find interest from suppliers living in another city. It is rare when a project being bid for one city does not find interest from suppliers living in another city. Project updates are usually posted within hours of receipt at an exchange. Project updates are usually posted within hours of receipt at an exchange.
Why use Builders Exchanges for plan distribution? You will be able to reduce the cost and number of plan sets you purchase while increasing your coverage. You will be able to reduce the cost and number of plan sets you purchase while increasing your coverage. The exchanges are prepared to produce their own sets for plan room use at a price you would normally pay for volume production. The exchanges are prepared to produce their own sets for plan room use at a price you would normally pay for volume production. You will reach suppliers across the entire state. You will reach suppliers across the entire state. It is rare when a project being bid for one city does not find interest from suppliers living in another city. It is rare when a project being bid for one city does not find interest from suppliers living in another city. Project updates are usually posted within hours of receipt at an exchange. Project updates are usually posted within hours of receipt at an exchange. Exchange members have 24/7 access to project information. The exchanges utilize web software which allows potential bidders 24/7 access in a SECURE online environment to complete information including plans, specifications, addenda and other related information. Exchange members have 24/7 access to project information. The exchanges utilize web software which allows potential bidders 24/7 access in a SECURE online environment to complete information including plans, specifications, addenda and other related information.
Why use Builders Exchanges for plan distribution? You will be able to reduce the cost and number of plan sets you purchase while increasing your coverage. You will be able to reduce the cost and number of plan sets you purchase while increasing your coverage. The exchanges are prepared to produce their own sets for plan room use at a price you would normally pay for volume production. The exchanges are prepared to produce their own sets for plan room use at a price you would normally pay for volume production. You will reach suppliers across the entire state. You will reach suppliers across the entire state. It is rare when a project being bid for one city does not find interest from suppliers living in another city. It is rare when a project being bid for one city does not find interest from suppliers living in another city. Project updates are usually posted within hours of receipt at an exchange. Project updates are usually posted within hours of receipt at an exchange. Exchange members have 24/7 access to project information. The exchanges utilize web software which allows potential bidders 24/7 access to complete information including plans, specifications, addenda and other related information. Exchange members have 24/7 access to project information. The exchanges utilize web software which allows potential bidders 24/7 access to complete information including plans, specifications, addenda and other related information. You can observe project activity by logging on to an Exchange website
Extend Your Reach By taking advantage of the services offered by these exchanges you can reach over 1330 contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers.
Extend Your Reach By expanding the “bidding base” you’ll get more competitive bidding
Benefits The exchanges all have state of the art equipment and have the ability to exchange project documents electronically upon request. The exchanges all have state of the art equipment and have the ability to exchange project documents electronically upon request. This means that distribution time can be shorter. This means that distribution time can be shorter. It also means that you can select one exchange as a recipient and ask that exchange to forward the documents to the others. It also means that you can select one exchange as a recipient and ask that exchange to forward the documents to the others.
Builders Exchanges have a long history in their construction communities of providing information for bidders. Builders Exchanges have a long history in their construction communities of providing information for bidders.
Exchanges are your partners in providing access to projects both electronically and in hard copy helping you meet compliance requirements and serve a wider audience for less cost. Exchanges are your partners in providing access to projects both electronically and in hard copy helping you meet compliance requirements and serve a wider audience for less cost.
Builders Exchanges have a long history in their construction communities of providing information for bidders. Builders Exchanges have a long history in their construction communities of providing information for bidders. Exchanges are your partners in providing access to projects both electronically and in hard copy helping you meet compliance requirements and serve a wider audience for less cost. Exchanges are your partners in providing access to projects both electronically and in hard copy helping you meet compliance requirements and serve a wider audience for less cost. As the industry moves toward a disperse electronically and then print, plan distribution model, the exchanges working together can provide a smooth pipeline. Each has complete reprographics capability. As the industry moves toward a disperse electronically and then print, plan distribution model, the exchanges working together can provide a smooth pipeline. Each has complete reprographics capability.
Builders Exchanges have a long history in their construction communities of providing information for bidders. Builders Exchanges have a long history in their construction communities of providing information for bidders. Exchanges are your partners in providing access to projects both electronically and in hard copy helping you meet compliance requirements and serve a wider audience for less cost. Exchanges are your partners in providing access to projects both electronically and in hard copy helping you meet compliance requirements and serve a wider audience for less cost. As the industry moves toward a disperse electronically and then print, plan distribution model, the exchanges working together can provide a smooth pipeline. Each has complete reprographics capability. As the industry moves toward a disperse electronically and then print, plan distribution model, the exchanges working together can provide a smooth pipeline. Each has complete reprographics capability. The exchanges can make your projects available either for open bidding or for private bidding. Our software allows you to restrict access to projects you might wish to bid privately. The exchanges can make your projects available either for open bidding or for private bidding. Our software allows you to restrict access to projects you might wish to bid privately.
Additional Benefits Exchanges have experienced personnel handling your projects. This ensures that all relevant addenda, bidders lists and other correspondence is partnered with the proper bid package. Exchanges have experienced personnel handling your projects. This ensures that all relevant addenda, bidders lists and other correspondence is partnered with the proper bid package.
Additional Benefits Exchanges have experienced personnel handling your projects. This ensures that all relevant addenda, bidders lists and other correspondence is partnered with the proper bid package. Exchanges have experienced personnel handling your projects. This ensures that all relevant addenda, bidders lists and other correspondence is partnered with the proper bid package. These personnel are available to assist bidders with non-technical questions. These personnel are available to assist bidders with non-technical questions.
Additional Benefits Exchanges have experienced personnel handling your projects. This ensures that all relevant addenda, bidders lists and other correspondence is partnered with the proper bid package. Exchanges have experienced personnel handling your projects. This ensures that all relevant addenda, bidders lists and other correspondence is partnered with the proper bid package. These personnel are available to assist bidders with non- technical questions. These personnel are available to assist bidders with non- technical questions. Builders Exchanges are in the business of making it easy for owners to solicit responsive bids on their projects. Once a project has been completed and submitted - owners & issuers need only to communicate changes to each exchange. Quick dispersal of documents and no more huge copy bills. Builders Exchanges are in the business of making it easy for owners to solicit responsive bids on their projects. Once a project has been completed and submitted - owners & issuers need only to communicate changes to each exchange. Quick dispersal of documents and no more huge copy bills.
Additional Benefits Exchanges have experienced personnel handling your projects. This ensures that all relevant addenda, bidders lists and other correspondence is partnered with the proper bid package. Exchanges have experienced personnel handling your projects. This ensures that all relevant addenda, bidders lists and other correspondence is partnered with the proper bid package. These personnel are available to assist bidders with non- technical questions. These personnel are available to assist bidders with non- technical questions. Builders Exchanges are in the business of making it easy for owners to solicit responsive bids on their projects. Once a project has been completed and submitted - owners & issuers need only to communicate changes to each exchange. Quick dispersal of documents and no more huge copy bills. Builders Exchanges are in the business of making it easy for owners to solicit responsive bids on their projects. Once a project has been completed and submitted - owners & issuers need only to communicate changes to each exchange. Quick dispersal of documents and no more huge copy bills.
Save Time & Money Reduce Postage Reduce Postage Printing- Fewer bid sets Printing- Fewer bid sets Printing- We offer special pricing Printing- We offer special pricing No fees for posting a project No fees for posting a project No special technology required No special technology required
How to take advantage of this pipeline…
It’s Easy… Just contact your nearest Exchange and we’ll show you how easy it can be! Just contact your nearest Exchange and we’ll show you how easy it can be! Billings * Bozeman * Great Falls * Missoula Each location is operated separately