AURA Meeting September 24, 2014
Introductions Jodi S. Ogden, MBA, CRA Associate Vice President Sponsored Projects Administration
Website Spotlight Cherrelle Duncan, MPSA Sponsored Projects Specialist
Cost Sharing Both mandatory and voluntary committed cost sharing require that the University maintain sufficient supporting documentation to satisfy an external auditor. The responsibility for obtaining and maintaining that documentation rests with the PI and departmental staff. Effort reports for employees whose effort involves either mandatory or voluntary committed cost sharing must be manually modified to include notations that identify the cost sharing effort and the projects to which it is shared. What is one way to find the cost sharing form?form To locate the cost sharing form: –Table of Contents-> Forms, Pre-Award –Sponsored Projects Administration> Contracts/Grants-> Forms
Effort Reporting Update William Mitchell, MPSA Supervisor, Systems & Reporting
Effort Reporting Update Where we were: –July 2012 – 514 Late Statements –January 2013 – 355 Late Statements –July 2013 – 91 Late Statements Travel Restriction policy in effect –January 2014 – 118 Late Statements Uptick due to increase retro PAs at FY end System upgrade Statements certified or reopened after period closes are “late”
Effort Reporting Update Where we are: –16 outstanding statements total –12 faculty certifiers remaining –1 travel restriction in place Lowest number of outstanding statements
Clinical Research Closeout Form Amaris Ogu, MBA Clinical Research Financial Analyst
General Reminders Please provide the full Chartfield Please obtain all the appropriate signatures Please provide detailed justification when balance is larger than 10%
Clinical Research Account Closeout Form Form found at: administration/crf/forms.htmhttp:// administration/crf/forms.htm Once completed & signed, please to:
Coverage Analysis Update Trae Rohan, BS, CHRC Clinical Research Finance
Billing Risk A billing risk form must be completed for all new studies as of 9/1/14 –As of 9/9/14 this is now in iRIS Some studies were in the transition period –Contract/Grant submitted prior to 9/1/14
CRF Review Billing Risk –Form or questions in iRIS –Is it complete –Does it need to continue on to a full Coverage Analysis Coverage Analysis –Device/ Drug Forms completed –Billing Grid completed
CRF Review Billing Risk and/or Coverage Analysis cannot be reviewed without study documents (i.e. – protocol, ICF, etc…) –Grant proposals –Early contract negotiations
CRF Review Trends –Incomplete forms –Not submitted in iRIS –Misunderstanding
Where We Stand Billing Risk –15 in total –7 complete –5 full coverage analysis needed Coverage Analysis –7 submitted –5 completed
Individual Development Plan (IDP) Leslie S. Beckman Program Manager Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
NIH RPPR Updates Krystal Toups, CRA Director, Grants
NIH RPPR Updates Revised Policy: Descriptions on the Use of Individual Development Plans (IDPs) for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Researchers Required in Annual Progress Reports beginning October 1, 2014 (NOT-OD ) [Notice Release Date: August 4, 2014]NOT-OD Beginning on October 1, 2014, annual progress reports (RPPR) are required to include a description of whether the institution uses IDPs or not and how they are employed to help manage the training and career development of those individuals Section B. Accomplishments, Question B.4.
NIH RPPR Updates Cont.. Extension of eRA Commons User IDs to Individuals in Graduate and Undergraduate Student Project Roles with Measurable Effort on an NIH Annual Progress Report (PHS2590 & RPPR) (NOT-OD ) [Notice Release Date: August 2, 2013].NOT-OD Graduate and Undergraduate student roles who participate in NIH-funded projects at least one person month or more. Beginning in October 2014, RPPRs lacking the eRA Commons ID for Graduate and Undergraduate Students will receive an error and the RPPR will not be accepted by the NIH without this information. Complete this form for eRA Commons account requests and send to Troy Roberson with Sponsored Projects Administration.formTroy Roberson NIH Will Require the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) for All Type 5 Non-SNAP Progress Reports on October 17, 2014 (NOT-OD ) [Notice Release Date: May 16, 2014]NOT-OD
CPRIT Changes Keith Kaptchinskie Sr. Financial Analyst
CPRIT Changes New Requirements for CPRIT Reporting/Reimbursement 1. Travel receipts: –Must include receipts for all expenses –Ticket must be included with request for reimbursement of airfare. 2.Gift Cards: –CPRIT will not reimburse us for gift cards until they have been disbursed. –Items CPRIT requires for reimbursement of gift cards. 1. Original receipt of purchase 2. Quarterly Distribution log see below.
CPRIT Changes Gift Card # Subject ID # Name of Person Receiving Card Amount Receiver’s Signature Date Disbursed Name of Person Issuing Card Issuer’s Signature Boxes that are blacked out are not required to be sent to CPRIT
CPRIT Changes Personnel changes on CPRIT awards –All people paid from CPRIT funds must be listed on the PLOE tab (Personnel Level of Effort). CPRIT will be looking at this tab and comparing this list to the payroll details when reviewing every report. –If you are making effort changes to key personnel or hiring someone new (even if they are listed in the budget as TBN) please complete the change in the CPRIT system.
Uniform Guidance Jodi Ogden Associate Vice President Sponsored Projects Administration
Uniform Guidance Federal Register: Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal AwardsUniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards The Council on Financial Assistance Reform (COFAR): Frequently Asked QuestionsCOFAR FDP Presentations, Sept. 12th FDP Presentations
Next Meeting: TBD Presentations & Schedule Posted at: