¿qué son mandatos?¿qué son mandatos? WWhat is a ‘command’? AA command is when you TRY to make someone DO, or NOT DO what you want. ¿¿Ejemplos? (Examples?)
¿tipos? What TYPES of commands are there in Spanish? There are two ‘categories’ AFFIRMATIVE (telling someone to DO something) NEGATIVE (telling someone to NOT DO something) ** - - -y ahora, una de mis películas favoritas - - -**
¿a quién hablas?¿a quién hablas? It also matters TO WHOM you are giving a command HOW do you ‘address’ the person(s) to whom you are giving the command?
Puedes dar un mandato a:Puedes dar un mandato a: UD TÚ UDS VOSOTROS/VOSOTRAS NOSOTROS/NOSOTRAS
Para empezarPara empezar To begin, let’s look at the AFFIRMATIVE USTED command. You use UD commands with ______________.
PARA FORMARPARA FORMAR Let’s use the verb CORRER To form the USTED command, you: START with the YO form of the verb in the present tense (in this case – CORRO) DROP the ‘O’ (here, we end up with CORR) ADD the ‘opposite vowel’, meaning AR infinitive – use E, ER and IR infinitives use A (here, we end up with CORRA)
otro Let’s try another verb – how about TRABAJAR YO FORM = ??? Trabajo DROP ‘O’ = TRABAJ ADD opposite vowel... Trabaje
A ti te toca...A ti te toca... HACER Hago Hag Haga*** ***and THIS is why we need the YO form.
ESTUDIAR Estudio Estudi estudie
ESCRIBIR Escribo Escrib Escriba
¿irregulares? ¡POR SUPUESTO! There are 5 irregular affirmative Ud commands. Son... Incredibly Silly Student Eats Dirt
IR (to go)IR (to go) Ud command = VAYA
SABER = to know (facts/info/how to ) Ud command = SEPA
SER = to beSER = to be Ud command = SEA
ESTAR = to beESTAR = to be Ud command = ESTÉ* (*only thing ‘irregular’ is the accent) (WHY do we have the accent?)
DAR = to giveDAR = to give Ud command = DÉ* (*only thing ‘irregular’ AGAIN, is the accent) (WHY do we have the accent?)
Otros ‘irregulares’Otros ‘irregulares’ Other types of irregulars are SPELL CHANGE irregulars. Using our knowledge of la fonética española, let’s see if we can figure out WHY the spelling change occurs.
-gar If a verb ends in –GAR (like LLEGAR), you: Start with YO form (LLEGO) – so far, so good DROP the ‘o’ (LLEG) – still okay ADD “U” BEFORE adding the “E” (LLEGUE) Uh oh! What happened???? WHY?????
-CAR If a verb ends in –CAR (like BUSCAR), you... Start with YO form (BUSCO) – okee dokee DROP the ‘o’ (BUSC) – hokey pokey CHANGE the C to Q & ADD a U BEFORE the E (BUSQUE) – HUH????? What happened?????? WHY?????
-ZAR If the verb ends in –ZAR (EMPEZAR) yo... Start with the YO form (EMPIEZO) – got it! DROP the ‘o’ (EMPIEZ) – still good CHANGE the Z to C and ADD ‘E’ (EMPIECE) – hmmm WHAT happened? WHY? (this one is a little more difficult to ‘splain)
Y ahoraY ahora Now – you can give commands to * me (RIGHT! Go ahead and try!) *your boss (AGAIN, HA!) *a stranger on the street (would they even listen?) *ANYONE you refer to as UD