The Economy’s Chicken-and-Egg Dilemma RYAN SWEET, SENIOR ECONOMIST Connecticut Business & Industry Association, September 7, 2012
2 A Sobering View of the Recovery Real, % change since 2007Q4 Sources: BEA, Moody’s Analytics
3 Economy Is Improving, but Output Gap Is Wide Sources: BEA, CBO, Moody’s Analytics Potential Real GDP, $ tril, SAAR Actual/forecast
4 Not Quite as ‘Jobless’ as in 2001 Sources: BLS, NBER, Moody’s Analytics Total employment, index, T=first month of recovery
5 Different This Time Around Political uncertainty, indexed to first mo of recovery, T=100 Sources: University of Stanford, Moody’s Analytics
6 Lack of Sales Problematic Largest problem facing businesses, net %, 3-mo MA Source: Moody’s Analytics
7 Economy’s Cliffhanger 1
Sources: Bloomberg, Moody’s Analytics 10-yr sovereign yields Not a Pretty Picture
9 Only a Matter of Time Until Fed Launches QE3 Maturity distribution of securities on Fed’s balance sheet Sources: Federal Reserve, Moody’s Analytics $ bil, week ending Aug 30
10 Fiscal Decisions Whoever wins November's elections will have big decisions to make by early »Option 1: Over the cliff »Option 2: Punt on policy »Option 3: Debt-ceiling holdup »Option 4: Fiscal nirvana
11 Government Drag Is Already Significant Annualized % change, 4-qtr MA Sources: BLS, BEA, Moody’s Analytics
12 Passing the Baton 2
13 Troubling Brewing for Business Investment Sources: ISM, Census Bureau, Moody’s Analytics
14 June Exports Seem Too Good to Be True Sources: Census Bureau, ISM, Moody’s Analytics Avg of ISM* export indexes (L)
15 Some More Encouraging News on Housing… Retail sales, % change from first mo of U.S. recession Sources: Census Bureau, Moody’s Analytics
16 …As It Switches From Weight to Driver Contribution to real GDP growth, ppt Source: Moody’s Analytics
17 Reasons for Optimism and Concern 3
18 Higher Food Prices Are Coming Annualized % change over 3 mos Sources: BLS, Moody’s Analytics
19 Consumers Have Had Worse Pump Pains Retail gasoline prices, first week of each yr=100 Sources: EIA, Moody’s Analytics
20 Significant Pent-Up Demand Sources: BEA, Moody’s Analytics Real spending, $ tril
21 Regional Outlook 4
22 Europe’s Recession Is Hurting Northeast Exports to Europe as a % of total exports, 2011 Sources: Census Bureau, Moody’s Analytics >15% to 20% > 30% 5% to 15% >20% to 30%
23 Defense Contractors Vulnerable to Austerity Defense procurement contracts % of metro GDP, 2010 Sources: BEA, Census Bureau, Moody’s Analytics <1 1 to <3 3 to 6 >6 U.S.=2.2
24 Manufacturing Will Take a Backseat Manufacturing GSP as a % of total GSP, %, 2011 Sources: BEA, Moody’s Analytics >10% to 15% > 20% 0% to 10% >15% to 20%
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