eID in Sweden App 4,5 million eIDs, population 9 million The private sector is the provider of eIDs The public sector purchases autentication and e-signature services on a commercial usage basis 250 million autentication transactions last year 15 million electronic signatures in public sector No qualified electronic signatures
Municipal X Tax Authority public agency Sellers of validation control for BankID (two banks) Company X Pharmacy Banks Skandia nken Swed- bank SHB SEB Danske Bank The concept BankID is used by nine banks Telia Nordea Public sector Private sector e-services Intermediaries Telia in the role as seller of validation control Nordea in the role as seller of validation control The situation today in Sweden
What's new for eID in Sweden? Coordination and gradual development of the infrastructure New way to procure autentication and e-signature services for the public sector to meet new regulatory requirements Introduction of identity assertion to – simplify the integration for the e-service providers – make it possible to vary the information about the holder of the eID – make it possible to use eID solutions that are not PKI-based Introduction of a central e-signature service as a consequence of introducing identity assertion
Infrastructure for public and private sector the Board as owner of the Infrastructure Functions ApprovalTestFollow-up Rules and regulations Assurance Framework Technical Framework Set of rules Private federation - specific parts e-tjänste- leverantör Service provider Business party The eID-service provider is responsible for the whole service chain Architecture and business contracts eID-service provider Issuer of identity tools Issuer of identity tools Issuer of identity tools Federation for public sector - specific parts e-tjänste- leverantör Service provider the Board as business party Infrastructure contract ID-services contract ID-services contract
Central e-signature service identity assertion User e-service Supplier of autentication service Central e-signature service autentication identity assertion user dialogue e-signaturerequest
Coordination of an area that is market- driven, with many actors with different intrests Take into account the investments already made Standardized, user-friendly and technology-neutral solutions Cross border interoperability The main challenges
STORK Pan European Proxy Service i.e. ISO, ETSI, OASIS, KANTARA. Federation(s) for private sector Fe de rat io ns - op er at ör e- tj ä n st e- le v er a nt ö r Federation for the public sector e- tj ä n st e- le v er a nt ör N ä m n d e n i r o ll e n s o m P a rt Infrastructure Nä mn den i roll en so m ans vari g för Infr astr ukt ure n Functions Regulations Open standards, Collaboration, Open mind!