The Enrollment Services Division at Georgia State University Welcomes… YOU
1.Provide some helpful tips in Navigating Your Enrollment (PAWS Dashboard, Panther Answer, and GSU ) 2.Go over Incept checklist 3.Go over important deadlines dates
Help us help the student Our mission Our mission is to guide and to support students throughout their college experience from pre- admission through graduation. Students are our top priority, and the Enrollment Services staff is dedicated to empowering each and every student to make effective choices.
FERPA Guidelines The Family Rights and Privacy Act holds the record of a person attending an institution of higher education as private to that individual. Therefore, the University cannot give out non-directory information about any student without written permission, even to parents. As a parent, you have access to the University’s website only. If you would like access to your student’s account, he or she would need to provide you with their log on information and/or sign disclosure forms. The Family Rights and Privacy Act holds the record of a person attending an institution of higher education as private to that individual. Therefore, the University cannot give out non-directory information about any student without written permission, even to parents. As a parent, you have access to the University’s website only. If you would like access to your student’s account, he or she would need to provide you with their log on information and/or sign disclosure forms.
Access PAWS Become familiar with PAWS-Panther Access to Web services. It is the portal where your students can access their individual records and conduct all steps in the enrollment process among other tasks. Become familiar with PAWS-Panther Access to Web services. It is the portal where your students can access their individual records and conduct all steps in the enrollment process among other tasks.
Helpful tips on navigating your Enrollment PAWS Dashboard Summary of Registration and Academic Record Summary of Registration and Academic Record My Bill (Account balance) My Bill (Account balance) My Financial Aid (Requirements and Awards) My Financial Aid (Requirements and Awards)
Registration Hold Errors on PAWS Registration errors—students first contact academic department (all solutions to errors at error-messages/) error-messages/ error-messages/ Registration holds—students should first be directed to find holds on PAWS Emergency Contact hold-Students must update each semester, prior to next term’s registration.
Helpful tips on navigating your Enrollment Student Accounts eBill available monthly on PAWS/PantherPay eBill available monthly on PAWS/PantherPay In PAWS the student can give access to the parent to receive a monthly eBill (this can be directly to the parent) In PAWS the student can give access to the parent to receive a monthly eBill (this can be directly to the parent) Payments made online Payments made online electronic check electronic check debit or credit card (MasterCard, Discover, American Express and Visa accepted) debit or credit card (MasterCard, Discover, American Express and Visa accepted)
Helpful tips on navigating your Enrollment Financial Aid Additional documents possibly needed listed on PAWS Additional documents possibly needed listed on PAWS Processed awards listed on PAWS—students must accept loans Processed awards listed on PAWS—students must accept loans
Helpful tips on navigating your Enrollment Another important site for you and your student to become very familiar with is Student Financial Services. Another important site for you and your student to become very familiar with is Student Financial Services. With Student Accounts, Financial Aid and the Scholarships Office housed in one place on the web, you can find all the information you need on how to pay for school, seek assistance and plan for the future. With Student Accounts, Financial Aid and the Scholarships Office housed in one place on the web, you can find all the information you need on how to pay for school, seek assistance and plan for the future. Navigate to Navigate to
Panther Answer Multiple ways to access information: Panther Answer icon links on website Panther Answer icon in PAWS
Panther Answer What is Panther Answer? Knowledge base Knowledge base Many common questions from multiple regarding Enrollment Services Many common questions from multiple regarding Enrollment Services Trending topics, ability to rate answers Trending topics, ability to rate answers Ability to submit ticket online for specialized help when an answer cannot be found Ability to submit ticket online for specialized help when an answer cannot be found Agent ticket submission Agent ticket submission Faster responses for escalated issues Faster responses for escalated issues Issue tracking Issue tracking
Know the Deadlines! Be aware of all deadline dates Be aware of all deadline dates Missing dates may have financial and academic implications Missing dates may have financial and academic implications Important dates include: Important dates include: Fee payment deadlines Fee payment deadlines Add/Drop dates Add/Drop dates Withdrawal period Withdrawal period calendars-exam-schedules/ calendars-exam-schedules/
Helpful tips on navigating your Enrollment Another key resource is your student’s Georgia State . The Georgia State University’s is the official means of communication from the University. If your student has not activated their , have them do so right away. They should check their regularly. Another key resource is your student’s Georgia State . The Georgia State University’s is the official means of communication from the University. If your student has not activated their , have them do so right away. They should check their regularly. Navigate to services/it-services/ -and-file-storage/panthermail/ services/it-services/ -and-file-storage/panthermail/ services/it-services/ -and-file-storage/panthermail/
INCEPT Checklist I am Enrolled… Please make sure everything is completed before school begins. FAFSA completed at Advisement Registration (Course Selection) Campus Housing (Optional) Financial Aid Award/Accepted Enrolled in at least 6 hours to receive loans Set-up GSU Are You Panther Ready?
Financing Your Academic Future There is an additional session today, Financing Your Academic Future. You should plan to attend. At the session you can have specific question answered concerning financial aid and student accounts. Please review the Financing Your Academic Future Brochure. Review and learn what questions to ask today, and about possible issues that may arise in the future.
Again, Welcome! We wish you and your student success here at Georgia State!