SPEAK UP WITH SKYPE An eTwinning Project GJB a SPgŠ Přerov, Czech Republic
Our language group There are 30 students in our class. But for language lessons we are divided into two groups. This is our language group. We would like to become your friends. Lukas Petra Zdeňka Lucie
Our language group MartinaDagmar Lenka Klára
Our language group Jiří VeronikaMichaela Denisa
Our language group TerezaJakub
Our school This is our school, „Gymnázium Jana Blahoslava a Střední pedagogická škola“ (Grammar School of Jan Blahoslav and the Secondary Pedagogical School).
Our school There are about 800 pupils in our school, most of them are years old and they study for four years to sit the school leaving exam (called „maturita“), but children who decide to attend 8-year grammar school programme start attending our school at the age of 11. Our school orchestra
Our main subjects are Czech language and literature, Maths, English, Russian or German, Biology, History, Geography, Physics, Computer Studies, Civics. We also study Psychology and Pedagogy and we choose a specialization: P.E., Drama, Humanities, Art or Music. Our school
Our school This photo was taken during one special activity held at our school. We call it „salon“ – once a year we have a thematic day. In this picture it was a Flower (hippies) day.
Our school When we leave this school, most of us will attend universities and later, we might work as teachers! We like our school and we enjoy our school life! Our indoor football team A trip to England
There are also many afternoon activities which we can take part in, e.g. a school choir, a school orchestra, football and basketball teams. Some students publish their articles in our school magazine called Litero. Our school
Our town We are from the Czech Republic situated in the middle of Europe.Our capital city is Prague. We live in the eastern part of the country called Moravia. Our school is in Přerov, but most of us come from other towns and villages (e.g. Olomouc, Hranice, Studénka, Šternberk,...).
Our town Přerov is an industrial town with a population of people. There is a river Bečva in our town and people like walking along its banks.
Our town Our new modern bridge
Our town Here are some places that you can see in our town: Castle/Comenius museum The park called Michalov
Our town The beach The museum in Předmostí where you can see skeletons of primaeval men found in our town. The shopping centre The marina The water park
Things to do In Přerov you can do all these things: paintball cycling
Things to do roller skating swimming … and many more !!!
Beautiful places These are other places near our town: Helfštýn castleLázně Teplice nad Bečvou – The spa
Other cities Some important cities nearby are Olomouc and Hranice. Olomouc Hranice
Other cities Hranice is a beautiful town situated 23 km from Přerov. There you can also go to the museum, a swimming pool, or see the abyss (the deepest one in Europe), visit the aragonite grottoes etc… An abyss Grottoes
Other cities Olomouc is the capital city of our region. In this city there are theatres, art galleries, modern shopping centers, but visitors also come here to visit the ZOO, a cathedral, an old fortress etc. The ZOO entrance Olomouc, the City Hall
Our „celebrity“ We are proud of Jan Amos Komenský (Comenius). He studied in our town and later he worked as a teacher here in Přerov. Nowadays our castle houses the Museum of Jan Amos Komenský with exhibitions devoted to the history of our region and a reconstruction of historical classrooms going back to Comenius times until the 20th century.
We are looking forward to talking to you! See you soon!