Dear Adopter, Click the forward arrow on your keybooard to open the folder and explore the information inside. Dear Adopter, Click the forward arrow on your keybooard to open the folder and explore the information inside. Sunrise Bog Research Dear Adopter, Click the forward arrow on your keybooard to open the folder and explore the information inside. Dear Adopter, Click the forward arrow on your keybooard to open the folder and explore the information inside.
Dear Adopter, Click the forward arrow on your keybooard to open the folder and explore the information inside. Dear Adopter, Click the forward arrow on your keybooard to open the folder and explore the information inside. Sunrise Bog Research Dear Adopter, For a larger version of this map, see the one available as a link from the Give Me the Information table. Dear Adopter, For a larger version of this map, see the one available as a link from the Give Me the Information table.
Dear Adopter, Click the forward arrow on your keybooard to open the folder and explore the information inside. Dear Adopter, Click the forward arrow on your keybooard to open the folder and explore the information inside. Sunrise Bog Research INVOICE Bog Equipment Services Payable upon receipt Dear Sunrise Bog, Thank you for your recent business. We hope to serve you in the future. --Bog Equipment Services SERVICES: Install bog irrigation, monitoring, and related technology. Design Installation Test Type of equipment: Standard Standard-plus State of the art (automated, pop-up sprinkler type) Total Fee: $ Dear Adopter, Found this in this year’s files. Thought you might find it helpful. Dear Adopter, Found this in this year’s files. Thought you might find it helpful.
Dear Adopter, Click the forward arrow on your keybooard to open the folder and explore the information inside. Dear Adopter, Click the forward arrow on your keybooard to open the folder and explore the information inside. Sunrise Bog Research INVOICE Bog Equipment Services Payable upon receipt Dear Sunrise Bog, Thank you for your recent business. We hope to serve you in the future. --Bog Equipment Services SERVICES: Install bog irrigation, monitoring, and related technology. Design Installation Test Type of equipment: Standard Standard-plus State of the art (automated, pop-up sprinkler type) Total Fee: $ Dear Adopter, Found this in this year’s files. Thought you might find it helpful. Dear Adopter, Found this in this year’s files. Thought you might find it helpful. Community News No nonsense. Just news. Last night’s Annual Town Meeting brought out record numbers of voters. Key bylaws were passed or amended. The highlights are here. Check out details or download a podcast at CommunityNewsONLINE! New Bylaws PassedNew AmendmentsFailed Motions Online School Registration Parents can register students for Kindergarten online. (70% of vote.) Trash Bag Stickers Fees can now be set by the Health Board. (63% of vote.) No Candy in the Cafeteria School Committee remains official decision-maker about what is sold in school cafeterias. (81% of vote) Green Government Town administrators must include “green” guidelines when installing new equipment. (60% of vote.) Business Signs New rules go into affect for new businesses, old business sign repairs. (51% of vote.) Mandatory Web Posting The town does not have to post meetings online if they announce them at the library. (52% of vote.) Right to Farm The town is established as a rural community. Farmers doing normal farm business won’t be cited for noise violations, even at night. (82% of vote.) New Road Rules Those developing new neighborhoods have to follow new anti-water-pollution rules, but get tax breaks. (65% of vote.) Tax Break for New Businesses New businesses must pay the same taxes as other businesses. Dear Adopter, Anything here to help you understand the community situation at the Sunrise Bog site? Dear Adopter, Anything here to help you understand the community situation at the Sunrise Bog site?