Using the ChurchBook/DataBase
1. Double click on the “Shortcut to cbw5” icon located on you desktop.
1. Click on the "Accounts Payable, Check Writing and Check Entry" tab
2. Click on the "Manual Entry of Checks" tab
3. Click on the drop down menu 4. Select "Main Checking Account"
5. Click on the "Set Selection" tab
6. Click the arrow until the form is blank and the number sets to the next number.
7. Click on the "Set Calendar Date" tab
8. Select the correct month from the drop down menu. 9. Select the correct year from the drop down menu. 10. Select the correct day from the calendar. 11. Click on the door icon to close the form.
12. Click on the “Next Check #” tab
13. Select the supplier from the drop down menu (or type the first few letters of the supplies name to be selected)
14. Tab down to the PayTo field 15. Type in the Suppliers name
16. Tab down to Remarks field 17. Type in description of what was purchased
18. Tab to the NetAmount field 19. Type in the total amount of the check
20. Tab to the "Expense Acct Charged" field 21. Select the drop down menu 22. Select the Expense Acct that will be charged for the check written
23. Tab to the Amount Charged field 24. Type in the amount for the charge
25. Tab to the next field 26. Select the drop down menu 27. Select the Expense Acct that will be charged for the check
26. Type in the amount that was charged to the account
The 2 Amount Charged fields should add up to the Total Distributed equaling the Net Amount
27. Click on the Enter Check tab
28. Click "OK" *Note: The number written will change every time you make a new journal entry.
29. Click the arrow until the form is blank and the number sets to the next number. CK # 2328 was Written
30. Click on the door icon to close the form.
31. Click on the door icon to close the program.
32. Click “Yes”
33. Click "OK"
You have completed entering checks into the ChurchBook/DataBase.