Sheriff K.C. Clark County Attorney Brad Carlyon
Protect our Citizens Reduce the Crime Rate Punishment Rehabilitation
42 percent drop in crime
Recidivism rates were reduced by an average 25.0% for inmates who participated in rehabilitation programs while in custody. The greatest reduction in recidivism (45.3%) was recorded by inmates who served 10 years or more in prison. These results suggest that correctional intervention really does work to rehabilitate offenders.
Violent Repeat Offender97 Violent First Offender12 Non-Violent Repeat Offender79 Non-Violent First Offender18
Violent Offense52 Sex Offense10 Property Offense58 Drug Trafficking28 Drug Possession28 DUI23 Escape or Related Offense 6 Public Order/Morals Offense 1
Navajo County Jail 397 Total Beds 359 Average Population 168 BEDS SHORT 144 Minimum Security inmate Pod 120 Medium- Maximum Security inmate Pod 130 in 7 Pods 15 Medical 24 Intake 18 Female 14 Female 8 Female Lockdown 33 Trustee 16 Protective Custody 5 SMU
Refurbish Dilapidated Old Jail House Tents
$68.00 per day per inmate $24,820 per year per inmate $5,112,920 cost for 206 DOC inmates Will also lose $2,280,000 BOP Contract $7,392,920 General Fund Cost
Increased Contraband Problems Increased Gang Activity Increased Assaults Increased Disciplinary Problems INCREASED SECURITY CONCERNS = INCREASED COSTS
Increase Revenue Cut the Budget in Other Areas Release County Inmates to Make Room in the Jail
Property Tax Levy Rate capped out Sales Tax at max Don’t have a Jail District and almost no possibility of passing at this time
So what percentage of General Fund Budget would have to be cut?
20.13% 38.57% 41.30%
31% 69%
Threat/Danger to Community Likelihood will Appear for Court
Increase crime in our communities More people hurt as a result of violent crimes More loss of property and damage to property Loss of Quality of Life