Financial Results Jan - Mar – Year of Growth
2 Review - Aptech’s Mission, Vision & Values – Result Highlights – Consolidated Financials - Revenue Mix – Quarterly Highlights - Accolades
3 Technology is an empowering tool, which when rightly deployed leads to productivity improvement and prosperity at individual, organisational, societal, national and global levels. Aptech believes in imparting quality learning services using technology for empowering its customers. Aptech – Mission, Vision & Values Values & Beliefs Respect for the individual Fairness & transparency with members Creating Value through consistent superior performance Exceeding customer expectations A Shared destiny Approach Adherence to societal norms, laws and ethos Vision To be the preferred Learning Solutions partner globally, delivering superior customer service for performance enhancement, through World- Class processes Mission: Empowerment through Technology
4 Global System Wide booking at Rs crores up 103% from Q ( crores) 100% growth in system wide booking Profit (Before exceptional item & tax) at 7.33 crores, up 181% from Rs.2.61 crores. PAT at 6.80 crores ( Q – Rs.1.56 crores.) Financial Highlights
5 Financials – A quick look Rs. Lacs Qtr ended March 31, ’06 Qtr ended March 31, ‘07 Growth Q o Q Global System - wide Booking % Net Revenues % Operating Profit % Profit before Exceptional items & Tax % Profit after Tax %
6 Consolidated Financials
7 Revenue Mix JFM’06 JFM’07 JFM’06 Growth - Domestic Retail - 65%, International Retail : 122%
8 Highlights Q International Expansion – New Centres in new & existing geographies: Aptech Computer Education centres at Ghana, Vietnam, Nigeria, & Iran. Arena Animation centres at Syria, Jordan & Saudi Arabia New centres in Mongolia, Kuwait, Dubai, Iran & EL Salvador made operational. China – Captured 32.10% market share (IDC Report) of the IT Training & Education Market. Retained the highest market share for 5 th consecutive year. Established 6 new centres offering Software Testing programmes (BTEST) in China. Launched a brand new version of the Network Engineering programme (BNET). Avalon 4 New centers added in the quarter
9 IDC Market Research 2006 Beijing Aptech Beida Jadebird Info Tech Co Ltd captures a market share of 32.1% according to IDC report. APTECH ‘s share in the IT vocational training market jumped to 32.1% from 27.3%. The market share of Beijing Aptech Beida Jadebird Information Technology is almost 1 /3 of the market. Also the NO 1 Beijing Aptech Beida Jadebird Info Tech company’s market share is 4 times that of the second largest player. As per the IDC report, the Top 5 players of the Chinese IT education and training service market made up for 51.8% of the market share. Aptech, at 32.1% market share, achieved the ranking much ahead of other players including NIIT (with 7.6% market share), Xinhua Computer Education (with 4.6 % market share) and Qinghua Wanbo (with 3.8 % market share) and Si Yuan IT Education (with 3.7 % market share).
10 Highlights Q Aptech Training Solutions tied up Infosys to deliver end user training on FINACLE Aptech Learning Services added marquee clients during Q1 of 2007 Attest, Aptech’s testing arm, conducted tests in Q1 2007, showing a 100% growth compared to Q1 of 2006
11 Accolades Indian Franchising Awards 2007 Aptech Worldwide - Winner of the Indian Global Franchisor of the Year Award Aptech Ltd. - Win-win Franchising Partnership of the Year Award. Arena Multimedia - Franchise Growth Driver of the Year Award. Honored with The IT People Award for Leadership in IT Education Featured amongst India’s Top 10 Biggest Newsmakers in IT companies category – 2006 in the Business Today & Cirrus survey.
12 Empowerment through Technology