Giving in The Old Testament Malachi 3:1-12
Introduction Popular misconceptions –Think of tithing only –Good portion was voluntary Benefits of this study –Discuss tithing since it was required –Our giving is voluntary
Required Giving (Tithing) Predated the Law of Moses –Abraham (Genesis 14:19-21) –Jacob (Genesis 28:20-22) Incorporated into the Law –Fruits and flocks (Leviticus 27:30-33) –Redemption (Numbers 18:12-18) –Levites to priests (Numbers 18:25-32)
Required Giving (Tithing) Others required giving –Release of debt in the seventh and fiftieth years –Corners of fields, part of the grape harvest, etc. to be left for the poor (Leviticus 19:9, 10; 25:35-38) –Atonement tax at census time (Exodus 30:11-16)
Required Giving (Tithing) Others required giving –Temple maintenance tax (2 Chronicles 24:4-10) –Redemption penalty of twenty percent (Leviticus 27:31) Still want to give like the Jews?
Voluntary Giving Special gifts for the sanctuary –Could be animals, houses, lands, etc. (Leviticus 27) –Hannah vowed to give Samuel (1 Samuel 1:11) Support of the prophets –Elijah (1 Kings 17:8-16) –Elisha (2 Kings 4:8-37)
Voluntary Giving Tabernacle construction –God’s plan (Exodus 25:1-7) –The people were so generous they had to be restrained (Exodus 36:1-7)
Voluntary Giving Temple construction –David began to collect the materials (1 Chronicles 29:1-19) –He was generous (vv. 1, 2) –Gave more than required (v. 3) –Viewed it as consecration to God (v. 5)
Voluntary Giving Temple construction (continued) –Gave from the heart (v. 9; 2 Corinthians 9:7) –Rejoiced over the offering (v. 9) –Realized it all belonged to God (vv ) –Prayed for future generations to give willingly (vv. 17, 18)
What Have We Learned? Not all their giving was “required” –Some was voluntary –Their government was both civil and religious Their giving exceeded ten percent –They did more than tithe –Some estimate it to be around 30%
Conclusion The key is attitude not percent Do we rob God? (Malachi 3:8)