Presentation by: Kerry Masson Jessica Sargent Thamilinie Ratnarajah Louise Rattew
Hans Rausing, the 83 rd richest person in the world, bought this 900 acre estate in 1975 and build as well as his own mansion, five other houses. He also landscaped the gardens and introduced 1,500 deer of seven different species to the area and in March 1989 started to farm them as his personal business. However Rausing's deer farm has repeatedly lost money on an average of £65,000 a year allowing him to benefit from The Inland Revenue tax breaks for failing farmers. Since the farm made no profit he didn’t have to pay any tax and could annually cut £65,000 from any other income which he was declaring to the Inland Revenue overall paying tax at 40%, and saving himself a teachers salary of £26,000 a year. Hans Rausing
Deer are members of the order Artiodactyle, which means that they have hoofs with an even number of toes There are about 100 types of deer Male deer are called bucks, bulls, stags or harts. Female deer are called does, cows or hinds. Young deer are called fawns or calves. Deer are the only animals that have antlers. Antlers are the fastest growing living tissue on earth. Deer are ungulates, which means that they have two-toed hoofs. They have long legs with powerful muscles and are able to run 40 miles per hour and jump 10 feet high. They are also fast swimmers. Deer are born with four baby teeth and develop baby incisors and premolars in their first months. Deer have no teeth in the front of the top jaw but instead a hard palate.
Around 9.2 million cows are being milked on 110,000 farms in the United States. More than 99% of all dairy farms are family owned and operated. Cows are milked for an average of 3-4 years. A cow must have a calf in order to produce milk. Calves are fed milk until they are 8-9 weeks old. Cows have 32 teeth: 8 incisors on the bottom front 6 molars on the top and bottom of each side A tough pad of skin instead of teeth on the top front
Lambs will drink their mother's milk until they are around four months old. They begin nibbling on grass, grain and hay starting at two weeks of age. Sheep milk is three times higher in whey proteins than cow or goat milk, making the whole milk easier to digest. Sheep are born with long tails. Some producers dock their tails shortly after they are born. There are more than 200 breeds of sheep in the world. In total there are about 1 billion sheep on the planet.
This family run business is run by the fourth generation Padfield farmers. They farm native breeds of which the cattle are either Sussex or Aberdeen Angus and the sheep are Suffolk or Romney. The pigs are bought as weaners from free range rare breed sows. The Padfields mill their own cereals to feed their livestock on a GM free diet. The animals are slaughtered within six miles of the farm and then hung for at least 10 days for the lamb and 21 days for the beef to give maximum flavour and tenderness. Products include a full range of meat cuts, sausages, home baked pies which they sell at farmers markets or through their shop.
The three main breeds of pigs on farms are Large White, Landrace and the Duroc. Some special farms raise older breeds that are no longer common, such as Berkshire. Pigs don’t sweat so wallow in mud to cool down. The mud also protects a pig from insect bites and sunburn. Pigs have snouts to help them find food and have an excellent sense of smell because or their poor eyesight. We farm pigs for pork, ham or bacon. Ham comes from the heavy muscled rear quarters of the pig. Bacon is meat from the back and sides that has been smoked or salted or dried to preserve it. Pigs also provide us with leather, brushes made from their hair, and soap made using their fat. Some kinds of medicines are made from pigs' glands. Their bones are made into glue.
On the final ten minutes of our journey to the finish line, we had to walk across some fields, where three horses were. There was a Shetland pony, which was quite shy and run away. However, there were two Morgan horses, they were very inquisitive and followed us to the other end of the field. We all found the horses entertaining, but the best part of day three was reaching the final check point! When we got there we were all very tired, but participating in the Duke of Edinburgh award, helps you to appreciate the British countryside. (Particularly the creepy crawlies we had to share our tents with!)