UNIVERSUM STUDENT SURVEY 2014 University Report | US Edition James Madison University | All undergraduate students
2 About the Universum Student Survey | US Edition 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students METHODOLOGY FIELD PERIOD October 2013 to January Educational institutions THE QUESTIONNAIRE Created based on 25 years of experience, extensive research within HR, focus groups and communication with both our clients and students. Global perspective - local insight. THE QUESTIONNAIRE Created based on 25 years of experience, extensive research within HR, focus groups and communication with both our clients and students. Global perspective - local insight. DATA COLLECTION Based on an online survey, distributed via university contacts, the Universum Panel and local partners. DATA COLLECTION Based on an online survey, distributed via university contacts, the Universum Panel and local partners. WEIGHTING To provide our clients with more reliable data, we set targets per main field of study and school to reflect the actual distribution of students. Weighting is used to compensate for discrepancies from targets. Only data based on all students or on all students within a field of study is weighted. Breakdowns like gender, high achievers, and other more specific groups are not weighted. WEIGHTING To provide our clients with more reliable data, we set targets per main field of study and school to reflect the actual distribution of students. Weighting is used to compensate for discrepancies from targets. Only data based on all students or on all students within a field of study is weighted. Breakdowns like gender, high achievers, and other more specific groups are not weighted. NOTE: COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING In the 2014 US Student Survey, the main field of study IT was renamed Computer Science, and the areas of study within Computer Science and Engineering were reorganized. Computer Science captures all former IT students and computing-related majors; Engineering captures more physical engineering disciplines. Neither group is directly comparable to previous years, but historical data has been included in this report. NOTE: COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING In the 2014 US Student Survey, the main field of study IT was renamed Computer Science, and the areas of study within Computer Science and Engineering were reorganized. Computer Science captures all former IT students and computing-related majors; Engineering captures more physical engineering disciplines. Neither group is directly comparable to previous years, but historical data has been included in this report.
3 University reports can be based on the total number of respondents from all main fields of study, or may be specific to a main field of study. This particular report is specific to: All undergraduate students. Groups in this report 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students Global 46,554 Your university US The comparisons in this report are based on: All undergraduate students Participating students from your university. Throughout the report, this group is referred to as ”James Madison University”. Participating students from 329 educational institutions in US. Throughout the report, this group is referred to as “All universities”. Students participate annually in Universum’s global career research. ~600,
4 Please select your main field of study. Main field of study distribution Number of respondents in each main field of study: Your studentsAll students 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students Total: 278Total: 46,554
5 35 % Students’ profile and summary of preferences 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students Average age (years): % Top 3 most used communication channels: Employer websites Social networks/communities Professional networks/communities Top 3 industries: Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)/Non- Profit Organizations (NPOs) Health Care Services Public Sector and Governmental Agencies Top 5 most attractive attributes: A creative and dynamic work environment (People & Culture) Secure employment (Job Characteristics) Leaders who will support my development (People & Culture) Respect for its people (People & Culture) Opportunities for international travel/relocation (Job Characteristics) Top 3 career goals: To have work/life balance To be dedicated to a cause or to feel that I am serving a greater good To be secure or stable in my job Top 3 career profiles: Leader Idealist Entrepreneur Average expected annual salary: Average reported GPA 3.2 James Madison University Year of graduation: 48,490 USD
6 39 % Students’ profile and summary of preferences 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students Average age (years): % Top 3 most used communication channels: Employer websites Career fairs Social networks/communities Top 3 industries: Health Care Services Educational and Scientific Institutions Public Sector and Governmental Agencies Top 5 most attractive attributes: Respect for its people (People & Culture) Secure employment (Job Characteristics) A creative and dynamic work environment (People & Culture) Professional training and development (Job Characteristics) A friendly work environment (People & Culture) 55,532 USD Top 3 career goals: To have work/life balance To be secure or stable in my job To be dedicated to a cause or to feel that I am serving a greater good Top 3 career profiles: Leader Idealist Entrepreneur Average expected annual salary: 3.5 All universities Year of graduation: Average reported GPA
7 Now choose the 5 employers you most want to work for, your 5 Ideal Employers. Students’ most attractive employers All universities | Business James Madison University | Business 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students 1. Google (26.51%) 2. Deloitte (19.28%) 3. Apple (13.25%) 3. Goldman Sachs (13.25%) 5. Amazon (12.05%) 5. Walt Disney Company (12.05%) 7. EY (Ernst & Young) (10.84%) 8. Major League Baseball (MLB) (9.64%) 9. Accenture (8.43%) 9. Nike (8.43%) 1. Google (20.69%) 2. Walt Disney Company (14.21%) 3. Apple (12.61%) 4. EY (Ernst & Young) (12.59%) 5. J.P. Morgan (11.53%) 6. Deloitte (11.46%) 7. PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) (10.38%) 8. Nike (10.19%) 9. Goldman Sachs (9.52%) 10. KPMG LLP (7.15%)
8 Now choose the 5 employers you most want to work for, your 5 Ideal Employers. Students’ most attractive employers All universities | Computer Science (formerly IT) James Madison University | Computer Science (formerly IT) 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students 1. Google (41.94%) 2. Microsoft (22.58%) 3. NASA (19.35%) 3. Northrop Grumman (19.35%) 5. Amazon (12.90%) 5. Apple (12.90%) 5. Blizzard Entertainment (12.90%) 5. Central Intelligence Agency (12.90%) 9. D.O.D. (9.68%) 9. Deloitte (9.68%) 1. Google (49.60%) 2. Microsoft (33.70%) 3. Apple (24.15%) 4. Amazon (19.82%) 5. Facebook (12.33%) 6. Blizzard Entertainment (11.18%) 7. Sony (10.46%) 8. IBM (10.12%) 9. Walt Disney Company (9.66%) 10. Intel (9.23%)
9 Now choose the 5 employers you most want to work for, your 5 Ideal Employers. Students’ most attractive employers All universities | Natural Science James Madison University | Natural Science 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students 1. Peace Corps (21.31%) 2. American Cancer Society (19.67%) 2. Google (19.67%) 2. National Institutes of Health (19.67%) 5. Mayo Clinic (18.03%) 6. Walt Disney Company (14.75%) 7. Apple (13.11%) 7. Centers for Disease Control (13.11%) 7. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (13.11%) 10. Atlantic Health System (11.48%) 1. National Institutes of Health (21.46%) 2. Mayo Clinic (20.06%) 3. Centers for Disease Control (19.47%) 4. American Cancer Society (16.01%) 5. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (11.10%) 6. Google (9.73%) 7. Peace Corps (9.29%) 8. Walt Disney Company (9.19%) 9. NASA (9.12%) 10. FBI (6.86%)
10 Now choose the 5 employers you most want to work for, your 5 Ideal Employers. Students’ most attractive employers All universities | Humanities/Liberal Arts/Education James Madison University | Humanities/Liberal Arts/Education 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students 1. U.S. Department of State (25.58%) 2. Google (23.26%) 3. United Nations (17.44%) 4. FBI (16.28%) 5. Teach for America (13.95%) 5. Walt Disney Company (13.95%) 7. Apple (11.63%) 7. Peace Corps (11.63%) 9. D.O.D. (9.30%) 9. National Security Agency (NSA) (9.30%) 1. Walt Disney Company (20.61%) 2. Google (19.12%) 3. U.S. Department of State (17.94%) 4. United Nations (17.82%) 5. Teach for America (16.24%) 6. FBI (13.68%) 7. Peace Corps (13.50%) 8. Apple (10.27%) 9. NBCUniversal (7.35%) 10. National Security Agency (NSA) (7.01%)
11 In which industries would you like to work most after graduating? You can choose up to 3 industries. Most preferred industries (1-10) 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students
12 In which industries would you like to work most after graduating? You can choose up to 3 industries. Most preferred industries (11-20) 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students
13 What is your expected salary before tax at your first employment after graduation, excluding commission and bonus? Expected annual salary 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students 48,490 USD James Madison University 55,532 USD All universities
14 James Madison University What is your expected salary before tax at your first employment after graduation, excluding commission and bonus? What is your gender? Expected annual salary | Gender gap 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students 48,333 USD 48,709 FemaleFemale MaleMale
15 What is your expected salary before tax at your first employment after graduation, excluding commission and bonus? What is your gender? Expected annual salary | Gender gap 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students 52,531 USD 60,493 FemaleFemale MaleMale All universities
16 To which of the following types of student organizations do you belong? Select all that apply. To which specific organizations do you belong? Please speak to your account manager for further information about the specific organizations most popular among your students. Most popular types of student organizations 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students
17 How important are each of the aspects below to you? Please divide 100 points between the alternatives, depending on how important they are to you. The total must equal 100 to move to the next question. Which of these attributes are most important to you? (Max. 3) Employer Reputation & Image | Attractive attributes 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students
18 How important are each of the aspects below to you? Please divide 100 points between the alternatives, depending on how important they are to you. The total must equal 100 to move to the next question. Which of these attributes are most important to you? (Max. 3) This table shows the most attractive of the 40 attributes, taking into account the overall importance of the driver categories to the students. This analysis gives a summarized 360 degree view of what influences employer attractiveness. Students’ overall top 10 preferences 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students All universities James Madison University Employer Reputation & Image People & Culture Job Characteristics Remuneration & Advancement Opportunities
19 Through which channels have you learned about these employers? Students most used communication channels 2014 | US | Students | All undergraduate students