Review 1. What was an immediate cause of the secession? Lincoln’s election 2. How was Lincoln going to deal with reconstruction? Treat the Confederate states as if they never left Union. 3. What are the 13,14, and 15 Amendments? 13 – abolish slavery, 14 – citizenship, 15 – right to vote 4. What is sharecropping? Form of farming for former slaves – in the South
5. What did the Republicans promise to do to end reconstruction? Withdraw troops 6. Define poll tax and literacy tests – poll tax – pay tax to vote, literacy tests – be able to read in order to vote 7. What was a result of Civil War? Federal law is supreme 8. What was Lincoln’s primary goal at the start of the war? Preserve the Union
9. What occurred during Reconstruction? New laws and amendments were passed to establish equality 10. How did Lincoln’s and Johnson’s plans compare? Allow the south back into union as quickly as possible. 11. What are Jim Crow laws? Established racial segregation 12. What was the decision in Plessy v. Ferguson? Separate but equal is ok.
13. What was the purpose of the Emancipation Proclamation? Help the North win the war 14. Why did the Radical Republicans oppose Lincoln’s plan for reconstruction? Felt Lincoln’s plan was too lenient. 15. What were the Black codes? Restricted rights of African Americans 16. Why was Andrew Johnson impeached? Congress was in a power struggle with the president.
Essay From your study of US history, identify TWO areas of the south that needed to be rebuilt. (Government, Society, or the Economy). For each area chosen: Describe why that area needed to be rebuilt Discuss specific methods used to rebuild that area Explain if the attempts to rebuild the area were successful. SUGGESTIONS: You may use some of the information from our study of Reconstruction: Presidential Plans, Radical Plans, Black Codes, Civil War Amendments, Jim Crow Laws, Carpetbaggers, KKK, Freedmen’s Bureau.
Sharecropping: Farm workers loaned land, money, tools and seed in exchange for giving a share of the harvest to the landowner. Tenant farming: A worker farms another person’s land as part of his or her rent payment. Eco. Dependence: Since more freed slaves have no skills or education they still depend on former owners.
KKK – secret society of white men Literacy tests – read and understand questions in order to vote. Poll tax – pay a tax in order to vote. Grandfather clause – people could vote if their grandfather was able to vote before Civil War Jim Crow Laws – laws that allowed the practice of separate facilities. Plessy v. Ferguson – Separate but equal is okay