ABC book of u.s. history By: deonta brown
A Alexander Hamilton- author of many of the federalist papers Abigail Adams-wife of john Adams
B Bernardo de galves-Spaniard who held off British in new Orleans Benjamin Franklin-author,publisher, inventor and diplomat
C Chrispus Attucks-American hero Colonial era-trade made on river
D Dorothea dix-reformer who fought to improve the care of mentally ill Deere, john-inventor of the steel plow
E English bill of right- called for frequent Early republic-steam boat invented during that time
F Frederick Douglass-born slave but had escaped slavery Federalist-support the ratification of the constitution
G George Washington-first president Gibbons v. Ogden- said federal government had the power to regulate trades between states
H Homestead act-law that a person could he not claim 160 acres of land in the western territories Henry clay- know as the great compromiser
I Individual right-first 10 amendments Important readers-John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison
J John Adams-wrote the xyz affair James Madison-Henry clay system
K King George lll-king of England Kansas Nebraska act-spreads slavery
L Louisiana purchase-land bought by u.s in 1803 Important dates-1607,1620
M Magna Carta-limited the power of the king Marquis de lafayette-french noble who help american
N Northwest ordinance-established government for northwest Nullification compromise-Henry clay’s compromise and nullifacation
O Ordinance-a law or regulation Override-to overturn or defeat
P Patriots-American colonist Poll tax-pay before vote
Q Quaker-member of the Society of Friends Quartering- provides that "no soldier shall in time of peace be quartered, in any house,
R Royal colony-colony run by government Republicanism-favoring of republic
S Scalawag-trader Share cropping-share crops
T Tariffs-a tax on imports or exports Triangle trade-a trade that trade slaves
U Unalienable-a right that can not be surrendered Unconstitutional-not agreeing
V Veto-to reject Virginia plan-each states would have deferent representatives
W William Penn-established Pennsylvania War of 1812-prevented traded with other states
X xyz- affair-Adams wanted to avoid war with France, he sent a delegation to Paris to try to resolve the dispute. French refused to meet with the Americans, sent three agents who demanded a bribe. He incident became known as the xyz affair
Y Yorktown-last major battle of the war
Z Zenger, john peter-jounrnalist