Use YELLOW boxes to make choices Click GREEN REFRESH button to update data (some reports Refresh automatically!) Double Click most rows or columns to Expand or Collapse detail, or use Expand / Collapse commands under EPM menu. CANNOT HARM REPORTS by TRYING THEM (if report breaks, just close and reopen)
Choose Hierarchy and Fund Click Expand to see detail Click Collapse to hide detail Yellow boxes for choices Click Refresh to Update Double-Click to Expand or Collapse detail
Account Code Breakdown Salary Budget Comparison Trending Local Budget Exception Local Budget Transfers Users Local Class by Fund Local Variance Snapshot Local Budget Threshold Local Budget Worksheet Local Multi-Year Variance State Budget Dept Reallocation Summary State Class Detail State Variance Snapshot State Two-Year Budget Flow State Two-Year Budget Variance State Finance Budget Wksht
NINE years of Revenue and Expense Actuals Account Class – can drill to Account Code State or Local Funds Choose any level of Cabinet-Branch hierarchy
Choose Hierarchy and Fund Class Total at bottom Report Refreshes Automatically!
Budgeted FINANCE Salary vs. Budgeted HR Salary with FTE ORG Hierarchy breakdown – drill to any level State or Local Funds Choose any Fiscal Year Make sure Finance ORG choice matches HR ORG choice Matching totals indicate correct budgeting
These should MATCH Both sides Expand / Collapse Matching totals means you’re in balance
Six years of Budgets or Actuals in SOF view Choose ORG level, Fund level and Current Fiscal Year
Rows and Columns DO NOT Expand or Collapse in this report Six Years of Data Choose Budget or Actuals Click on + to see Revenue
Helps find Budgeting Issues Local Funds ONLY Choose any Fiscal Year Shows all DEPTIDS within hierarchy chosen Tests for Admin Overhead if Revenue budgeted Budgeted Balance less than Zero ERE budgeted if Salary budgeted Transfers budgeted greater than UCA transfers Budgets if there are prior year actuals “ERR” indicates possible exception
Rows and Columns DO NOT Expand or Collapse in this report
Identify proposed Local transfers Help transfer balance issues Based on the new Local Transfer Input template Choose ORG level and Fiscal Year
Rows and Columns DO NOT Expand or Collapse in this report
Budget or Actuals for all Account Classes Four tabs Expandable Class Summary Expandable ORG Summary (Unit view) Status of Funds (SOF) view DEPTID Detail listing Choose ORG level and Fiscal Year
Choose Budgets or Actuals Expand / Collapse
Choose Budget or Actuals Expand / Collapse
Choose Budget or Actuals Rows and Columns DO NOT Expand or Collapse in this report
Choose Budget or Actuals Rows and Columns DO NOT Expand or Collapse in this report
Graphical Budget vs Actual review by Bar Chart and Pie Chart Color-coded percents to highlight issues Separate tabs for Expense and Revenue Choose any Fiscal Year, ORG level and Local Fund level
Tabs for Expense and Revenue Color-coded percents Rows and Columns DO NOT Expand or Collapse in this report
Review DEPTIDs for Budget Compliance Color-coded indicators Above / below threshold? Meets Requirements? Budgeted? Choose ORG level and Budget Year Choose Threshold (optional)
Color-coded compliance Threshold indicators Rows and Columns DO NOT Expand or Collapse in this report
Mimics Local Finance Input Template Review ORG areas for Budget issues Budget Error Checking Choose ORG level, Fund level and Budget Year Built-in Account Code Breakdown
Budget Error checking Review entire Cabinet Built-in Acct Code Breakdown Blue = Review Rows and Columns DO NOT Expand or Collapse in this report
Three years of Actuals Two years of Budgets Budget to Budget variance and percent Budget to Actual variance and percent Choose ORG level, Fund level and Budget Year
Variances and Percents Multiple Years of data Rows and Columns DO NOT Expand or Collapse in this report
Validate that State Budget Reallocations balance to zero Choose ORG level and Budget Year
Check Reallocation balance at any ORG level
Budget or Actuals for all Expense Classes Three tabs Expandable Summary (Unit view) Expandable Status of Funds (SOF) view DEPTID Detail listing Choose ORG level and Fiscal Year
Choose Budget or Actual Expand / Collapse
Choose Budget or Actual Expand / Collapse Rows or Columns
Choose Budget or Actual Rows and Columns DO NOT Expand or Collapse in this report
Graphical Budget vs Actual review by Bar Chart and Pie Chart Color-coded percents to highlight issues Choose any Fiscal Year and ORG level Choose Current or Adopted Budget
Color-coded percents Rows and Columns DO NOT Expand or Collapse in this report
Follow the State Budget Flow thru two years, including… Perm and Temp Pre-Lock Budget Adjustments Reallocations Perm and Temp Post-Lock Changes Choose any Fiscal Year and ORG level
Rows and Columns DO NOT Expand or Collapse in this report Choose both years Follow the flow
Two Year Actuals and Budget Variance Includes UCA Adjustments and Dept Reallocations Choose any Fiscal Year and ORG level
Rows and Columns DO NOT Expand or Collapse in this report Budget to Budget Variance
Mimics State Finance Input Template Review ORG areas for Budget issues Budget Error Checking Choose ORG level, Fund level and Budget Year Built-in Account Code Breakdown
Budget Error checking Review entire Cabinet Built-in Acct Code Breakdown Blue = Review Rows and Columns DO NOT Expand or Collapse in this report These should match