Prof. David R. Jackson Notes 21 Introduction to Antennas Introduction to Antennas ECE 3317 [Chapter 7]
Introduction to Antennas Antennas An antenna is a device that is used to transmit and/or receive an electromagnetic wave. Examples: Cell-phone antenna (transmit and receive) Wireless LAN antenna (transmit and receive) FM radio antenna (receive only) Satellite dish antenna (receive only) The antenna itself can always transmit or receive, but it maybe used for only one of these functions.
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) For communication over long distances, to have lower loss Where waveguiding systems (e.g., transmission lines) are impractical or inconvenient When it is desired to communicate with many users at once Antennas are often used for a variety of reasons: Power loss from waveguiding system: Power loss from antenna broadcast: r A B
Introduction to Antennas Main properties of antennas: Radiation pattern Directivity (how directional the beam is) Efficiency (power radiated relative to total input power) Polarization (linear, CP) Input Impedance Bandwidth (the useable frequency range)
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Reflector (dish) antenna Very high bandwidth Medium to high directivity (directivity determined by the size) Linear or CP polarization (depending on how it is fed) Works by focusing the incoming wave to a collection (feed) point
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Dipole Wire Antenna Very simple Moderate bandwidth Low directivity Most commonly fed by a twinline transmission line Linear polarization ( E , assuming wire is along z axis) The antenna is resonant when the length is about one-half free-space wavelength current
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Dipole Wire Antenna (cont.)
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Monopole Wire Antenna This is a variation of the dipole, using a ground plane instead of a second wire. h Feeding coax Similar properties as dipole Mainly use for vertical polarization, with coaxial cable feeds
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Monopole Wire Antenna (cont.)
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Yagi Antenna This is a variation of the dipole, using multiples wires (with one “reflector” and one or more “directors”. Low bandwidth Moderate to high directivity Commonly used as a UHF TV antenna Prof. Yagi
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Yagi Antenna (cont.) UHF Yagi VHF Log-periodic UHF Yagi
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Log-Periodic Antenna This consists of multiple dipole antennas of varying lengths, connected together. High bandwidth Moderate directivity Commonly used as a VHF TV antenna
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Log Periodic Antenna (cont.)
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Typical Outdoor TV Antenna VHF Log-periodic UHF Yagi
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Horn Antenna It acts like a “loudspeaker” for electromagnetic waves. High bandwidth Moderate directivity Commonly used at microwave frequencies and above Often used as a feed for a reflector antenna
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Horn Antenna (cont.) Arno A. Penzias and Robert W. Wilson used a large horn antenna to detect microwave signals from the “big bang” (Nobel Prize, 1978).
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Horn Antenna (cont.) This is a variety called the “hoghorn antenna (a combination of horn+reflector).
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Microstrip (Patch) Antenna It consists of a printed “patch” of metal that is on top of a grounded dielectric substrate. Low bandwidth Low directivity (unless used in an array) Low-profile ( h can be made very small, at the expense of bandwidth) Can be made by etching Easily fed by microstrip line or coaxial cable Can be made conformable (mounted on a curved surface) Commonly used at microwave frequencies and above current
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Microstrip (Patch) Antenna (cont.)
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Dielectric Resonator Antenna It consists of a dielectric material (such as ceramic) on top of a grounded dielectric substrate. Moderate bandwidth Low directivity (unless used in an array) Commonly used at microwave frequencies and above The dielectric resonator antenna was invented by our very own Prof. Long!
Introduction to Antennas (cont.) Dielectric Resonator Antenna (cont.) GPS antenna