10/18/2003University of Connecticut1 Operational and Managerial Student Data Needs Frank Wunschel – Peter Weinstein –
10/18/2003University of Connecticut2 Why a Data Warehouse? Access to university information Beyond transactions Grouping Aggregation Correlation History Security
10/18/2003University of Connecticut3 Operational and Managerial Dividing Line? Lists using simple queries Reports using complex queries Presentations using charts Analysis using pivot tables Thresholds using dashboards
10/18/2003University of Connecticut4 Information Systems Charter January 2000 Reporting must be accurate, timely, and simple Implementation of an integrated relational data base from which data can be extracted to position us for the implementation of a data warehouse and institutional reporting capability. Provide ad hoc reporting tools and on-line query access to data that puts users more in control of accurate and useful information.
10/18/2003University of Connecticut5 PeopleSoft In Practice Hundreds of PS Reports Delivered Most setup table Dumps Absence of needed user reports New reports? Can’t even get some of the old reports Quick, Check the Project Plan Reporting not part of the plan “Outside the Scope”, but very small group of shared resources ultimately “released” back to central UITS.
10/18/2003University of Connecticut6 What to do with Little? Identify inventory of reports Get users to tell us what they really need “A lot of the old stuff isn’t used anyway” “All the old data error audits aren’t needed” Inventory result, still plenty of reports needed.
10/18/2003University of Connecticut7 Reporting Responsibility Outside PeopleSoft Team Develop reports using PS/Query Crystal Some functional power users just had training Shift responsibility to them Unfortunately transactional system performance was barely satisfactory Couldn’t add additional “load’ to system Creation of reporting instance deemed “impractical” by PS tech team based on time to load. Look for alternative reporting data source
10/18/2003University of Connecticut8 Alternative Sources Data warehouse development In-house No resources to develop reports let alone develop data warehouse Vendor-supplied Alternative PeopleSoft RDS (ODS then) Initial impression RDS will meet 65% of need Hard to assess PS was being careful not to “give away” design
10/18/2003University of Connecticut9 RDS Post Delivery - Good News Rapid implementation of reporting environment Many required fields provided in well organized “de-normalized” structure Data ready to produce “current” data reports.
10/18/2003University of Connecticut10 RDS Post Delivery - Bad News Rollout Limited by learning curve Users new to native PS had additional layer of “new” to learn No selected reporting tool Less “historical” capability than expected reducing functionality to 30% Accessible data but still no reports
10/18/2003University of Connecticut11 Responsibility for Reporting Was not seen as part of PeopleSoft Centralized UITS Historically had dedicated reporting team “fed” by user specifications Many of historical resources went to PeopleSoft Small group re-allocated by PS got smaller due to early retirement reorganization UITS position that “New” distributed model moves responsibility to owners. Responsibility to be distributed among business units?
10/18/2003University of Connecticut12 Distributed Reporting UITS as provider of reporting environment Infrastructure, Access Design, Development of needed Enhancements Report Repository Still under consideration Who provides Training? Who provides Support? Who actually writes reports? System of “liaisons”
10/18/2003University of Connecticut13 Where Are We Today? Level of Success Report Readers Report Writers Level of Complexity Reports Pivot Tables Charts Dashboards
10/18/2003University of Connecticut14 Moving Forward Simplicity History as it changes Key performance indicators Metrics management
10/18/2003University of Connecticut15 Going Back to the Basics Data Mart Design Top Ten Reports Validation Don’t make me think Facts Dimensions Redundancy