More Subjunctive Unit 2, Part 1. To express what people HAVE TO or MUST DO Il faut que + subject and subjunctive verb Il faut que je parte.(I have to.


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Presentation transcript:

More Subjunctive Unit 2, Part 1

To express what people HAVE TO or MUST DO Il faut que + subject and subjunctive verb Il faut que je parte.(I have to leave) Personal obligation can also be expressed using devoir + infinitive Je dois partir.(I have to leave)

To express general obligation Il faut + infinitive Il faut faire les devoirs. One has to do their homework. You (people in general) have to do your homework.

To express PROHIBITION or INTERDICTION Il ne faut pas que + subject and subjunctive Il ne faut pas que tu dormes en classe. You should not sleep in class.

To express lack of obligation You do not have to leave. -Il n’est pas nécessaire que tu partes. -Tu n’es pas obligé(e) de partir. -Tu n’as pas besoin de partir. -Tu n’as pas à partir.