Woll page 165
James Madison Factions = political parties, interest groups Dangerous to freedom Destroy stable government Developed outside original constitutional framework Special consideration for political science
Promise of the union is to break and control violence of factions Past tells us that out of control factions destroy government Measures are to often decide by the force of the majority How to cure mischiefs of factions…
Remove the cause or control the effects Remove the cause by abolishing liberty Abolishing liberty is folly Control effects by getting every faction to conform to the same Conformity is impractical Factions are in the nature of man
Governments exist to regulate the various interferences Man cannot judge his own interest The most powerful faction must be expected to prevail Therefore we can’t stop causes; we must control effects
Minority factions are not a threat The effects of majority factions are the main point of the paper Either must stop majority to from growing or must stop majority from success Morality nor religion can stop it Pure democracy fails
Pure democracy is a small group of citizens who administer government in person Pure democracy have been found to be short lived, turbulent, don’t secure rights Republic is the cure against factions Forms differ in size of government and number of citizens
Representatives must respond to the people’s view Reps need votes More reps (not too many) protects factions from taking hold More citizens and territory take in greater variety of parties and interests
More successful in national government than state government Challenging questions and example factions have been answered The solution and conclusion is we need to be republican and federalist