Unit 1, Lesson 3 Blue Team
Sentence Errors Unit 1
Review: Sentence Corrections 1. Opponents of the act argued that the legislation A was not only vaguely formulated and uncon- B stitutional, but also impossible to enforce in an C international and virtually unregulated arena. D No error E
Review: Sentence Corrections E is correct A is the correct use of the verb In B the verb agrees with it subject, legislation C is a correct idiomatic use of the infinitive to enforce D correctly uses the adverb virtually to modify the adverb unregulated
Review: Sentence Corrections 2. When it became apparent to Clive that not one A of the remaining jurors were going to believe his B client’s alibi, he began to reconsider the district C attorney’s offer of a plea bargain. D No error E
Review: Sentence Corrections B is correct The subject one takes a singular verb: not one of the jurors was going to believe the alibi.
Strategy: Understand Common Mistakes Complete Usage Common Mistakes #5-10 in Kaplan Packet Confusion of Infinitive and Gerund Non-Idiomatic Preposition after Verb Wrong Word Wrong Tense Number Agreement Pronoun in the Wrong Number Practice by answering #7 on page 143 and #3 on page 147 Additional Practice: pages
Vocabulary Unit 1
Review: Vocabulary Without looking at your notes, write a sentence for each of the following vocab words. Your sentence must provide enough context that the meaning of the word is clear. Share when you’re done. a.ambivalent b.tenacity c.abstruse
17. futile (adjective) incapable of producing a useful result; vain synonyms: ineffective, impractical, worthless
18. forbear (verb) to refrain from; to be patient or self-controlled synonyms: abstain, cease, forgo
19. exemplify (verb) to illustrate by example synonyms: demonstrate, epitomize
20. vindictive (adjective) disposed to seek revenge; revengeful; spiteful synonyms: cruel, retaliatory, unforgiving
21. complacency (noun) a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of unpleasant possibilities synonyms: satisfaction, smugness
22. anachronism (noun) the representation of something as existing or happening in the wrong time period synonyms: misplacement
23. benign (adjective) kind and gentle synonyms: mild, favorable
Strategy: Find Clue Words Read pages Look for transitions and conjunctions (but, moreover, however, and, because, since, in fact, although, though, in contrast to, rather, despite, yet, etc.) Look for phrases that work as a definition or further explanation of the missing word Look for punctuation triggers (colon and semicolon)