[ 1 ] Spectrum Bridge Bandwidth Management and Spectrum Allocation solutions January 2012
[ 2 ] Copyright 2012 Spectrum Bridge Inc, All Rights Reserved Spectrum Bridge Privately held company based in Florida Our background is in developing radios and wireless networks We know when to manage interference and when to avoid it SBI is a Spectrum Management Company On behalf of Spectrum Holders Work with Holders to identify and monetize underused spectrum The Spectrum Holder dictates the terms Only authorized shared access allowed Supports a clearing house model for “pay per use” Spectrum Bridge is the worlds first certified TV White Space database manager We have completed the process defined by the FCC and are now undertaking similar activities in other countries
[ 3 ] Copyright 2012 Spectrum Bridge Inc, All Rights Reserved TV White Space Trials Starting in late 2009 Spectrum Bridge, along with industry partners, deployed a number of trials of TVWS technology Claudville VA (rural) –Rural Broadband to a community with no access to the Internet Wilmington NC (urban) –Smart city applications for more efficient and cost effective government Plumas CA (rural) –Smart Grid, utility applications for management of energy use Logan OH (urban) –Telemedicine applications for local healthcare In each of these examples existing options were impractical or cost prohibitive. The use of TV White Space made the solutions viable in a cost effective manner.
[ 4 ] Copyright 2012 Spectrum Bridge Inc, All Rights Reserved The World is watching Our Public Trial was accessed, with significant interest, from major trading partners in Europe and Asia The USA has a 2 year head start. Spectrum Bridge and our partners are actively working with Regulators and major international Telecommunications Service Providers and Equipment Manufacturers around the world
[ 5 ] Copyright 2012 Spectrum Bridge Inc, All Rights Reserved TV White Space being adopted worldwide Trials operating under experimental licenses Spectrum Bridge has versions of it’s platforms working in several countries with plans to expand in 2012 to several new international markets A number of standards bodies are working on TVWS technologies: IEEE (Super WiFi): low power personal/portable IEEE (White Space Alliance) high power fixed IEEE (co existence) IETF (PAWS -Protocol for Accessing White Space) database to radio interface Worlds First commercial TVWS Deployment– Wilmington, NC Partnership with Local Authorities and Public Safety Entities
[ 6 ] Copyright 2012 Spectrum Bridge Inc, All Rights Reserved Wilmington NC, The worlds first Commercial Deployment The applications in Wilmington and New Hanover County solved issues that they had previously been unable to address Interference (congestion) and/or range with existing solutions could be overcome with the use of TV White Space Applications include: –Video surveillance –Facilities control (Lighting) –Public Wifi Access –Improved city services Applications that have an ROI in weeks or months and are repeatable in towns and cities across the country
[ 7 ] Copyright 2012 Spectrum Bridge Inc, All Rights Reserved Going Forward: Other “ White Space” TVWS concepts can be easily adapted to provide shared access to other bands the government is considering opening up Shared Access with existing incumbents is a prerequisite Access could be on a priority basis Pre-emptive or planned (for Public Safety and DOD spectrum) QOS and co-existence can be managed Use can be monitored and, potentially, charged for One day we expect this will also allow you to monetize the sharing of some of your protected spectrum, without compromising the primary use.
[ 8 ] Thank You Peter Stanforth CTO Spectrum Bridge Inc