Vocabulary Words Lesson 12 Emotions
Agape Adjective Wonderstruck; dumbfounded The announcement of the President’s resignation left the crowd agape.
Aghast Adjective Astonished, dismayed, and stunned I was aghast when I learned the entire staff had been fired.
Astound Verb To astonish or greatly surprise Try not to astound your mother when you break the news.
Bliss Noun Joy; ecstasy Our afternoon in the country was pure bliss.
Buoyant Adjective Cheerful; animated Mary’s buoyant spirits make her a wonderful companion.
Condolence Noun Sympathy; pity Many friends sent the young widow letters of condolence.
Contrition Noun Regret; remorse The guilty man’s contrition continued for years after his crime.
Dejection Noun State of being downcast Sam felt dejection after being passed over for the award.
Exuberant Adjective Having unbounded joy and high spirits The exuberant crowd roared their approval when the results were announced.
Exultation Noun Jubilation; a condition of being triumphant When finals were over, a feeling of exultation swept over the senior class.
Frivolous Adjective Insignificant or trivial; impractical My meager income does not allow me to make any frivolous purchases.
Hilarity Noun Uproarious laughter; cheerfulness There was a feeling of high hilarity at this year’s New Year’s Eve party.
Laud Verb To praise The group gathered to laud Anna’s generous service to the community.
Levity Noun Frivolity; lightness of speech and behavior The little girl’s levity was a welcome break from the evening’s serious discussion.
Melancholy Noun Depression; gloom I tried to have fun at the class reunion but could not shake a deep sense of melancholy.
Rapture Noun Elation; ecstasy Mary Ann was filled with rapture when she saw her parents after a ten-year separation.
Remorse Noun Regret; guilt Sonya felt great remorse for the cruel joke she had played.
Rueful Adjective Full of sorrow or pity The doctor’s rueful expression told us the outlook was not good.
Somber Adjective Dark; gloomy; dismal Fog and rain put me in a somber state of mind.
Zest Noun Spirited enjoyment; pleasure The old man never lost the zest of childhood.