All Electric, All the Time With Wireless Charging WAVE McAllen Electric Bus Project
McAllen Electric Bus Project Facts Infrastructure Costs 60% less than other electric alternatives; reduce fuel consumption by 80%; Not disruptive to route function. Two (2) buses will be equipped with WAVE’s technology and deployed on one (1) of Metro McAllen’s routes. Only needs 10 to 15 minutes of charge time per run to maintain enough charge to run the entire day. No interruption in service as the bus can charge while idling at the station during layover. $2,045,00 Total Cost 90% FTA Grant Funded Wireless Charging Technology Zero tailpipe emissions
All-Electric Transportation | Market Viability? Limited Range & Anxiety Heavy & Expensive Batteries Ugly & Expensive InfrastructureImpractical
The Solution | Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) WAVE Technology: Safe charging through road and all-weather conditions Simple and cost effective Smaller battery packs and unlimited range Batteries charged "on the go" throughout route Elegant Infrastructure – no cables or overhead wires Electric GridWireless ChargerVehicle
WAVE’s WPT | The Technology Output Power to Vehicle Receiver Electronics Magnetic Field Current Transmitter Electronics Input Power from Grid 7.4” Air Gap, 10.5” Magnetic Gap 98% Magnetic Efficiency/90+% DC to DC Meets ICNIRP Guidelines and ISO/ANSI Standards (medical devices) 7.4” Air Gap, 10.5” Magnetic Gap 98% Magnetic Efficiency/90+% DC to DC Meets ICNIRP Guidelines and ISO/ANSI Standards (medical devices)
Opportunity Charging | Daily Charging Extended Operating Time Charge Level %