LEAD-OFF ACTIVITY- PREDICT HOW YOU THINK CONDITION HAS CHANGE FROM 1900 TO 2000 _______________ times as many adults are getting high school degrees. ________________ percent of all American homes have telephones, and a flush toilet. Accidental deaths have decreased by __________________. Wages in the manufacturing sector are____________ times greater Average household assets are _________ greater. The average work-week is ________ percent shorter The air we breathe is ______ cleaner/dirtier. More than __________ of the Americans have at least 1 car, VCR, AC, cable, tv, washer and dryer
ETHNOGRAPHY/PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION- QUALITATIVE Descriptive study of a particular human society. The ethnographer lives among the people who are the subject of study for a year or more, learning the local language and participating in everyday life while striving to maintain a degree of objective detachment. He or she usually cultivates close relationships with “informants” who can provide specific information on aspects of cultural life. While detailed written notes are the mainstay of fieldwork, ethnographers may also use tape recorders, cameras, or video recorders.
CASE STUDY- QUALITATIVE Through investigation is done of a small group, incident or community Provides depth of understanding from group members; viewpoint Permits the study of social behavior Difficult to generalize findings Presence of researcher can influence results Field research is conducted- data being collected in natural settings (nonlaboratory)
THE SURVEY METHOD- QUANTITATIVE Involves interviewing or administering questionnaires, or written surveys, to large numbers of people. The investigator analyzes the data obtained from surveys to learn about similarities, differences, and trends. He or she then makes predictions about the population being studied.
SURVEYS PT.2 Sample- a group of people that represents a larger population Representative Samples- a sample that accurately reflects the characteristics as a whole ex.- Census- procedure of systematically acquiring and recording information about the members of a given population.
CORRELATIONAL RESEARCH-QUANTITATIVE Correlational research attempts to determine if a relationship exists between two variables, and the degree of that relationship. These factors can be characteristics, attitudes, behaviors, or events.
CROSS-CULTURAL RESEARCH- QUANTITATIVE Sociologists may conduct cross-cultural research, or research designed to reveal variations across different groups of people in terms of folkways, mores, customs etc. Most cross-cultural research involves survey, direct observation, and participant observation methods of research.
SECONDARY ANALYSIS-QUANTITATIVE Some sociologists conduct research by using data that other social scientists have already collected. Is most common in situations in which collecting new data is impractical or unnecessary. Sociologists may obtain statistical data from academic institutions, governmental agencies, historical or library sources.
EXPERIMENT– QUANTITATIVE Research that occurs in a contained environment (laboratory setting) Can be replicated with precision Variable can be manipulated Artificial setting Not suited for sociology
EXIT TICKET Provide an example of each type of research method