Welcome to Rotary
Rotary Club of ??? District 6400 Club Logo
History of Rotary International
Founded 23 rd Feb 1905 Paul Harris (lawyer), Sylvester Schiele (coal dealer), Gus Loehr (mining engineer) & Hiram Shorey (merchant tailor) met in Gus’ office in the Unity Building at 127 North Dearborn St, Chicago. Sylvester was the 1 st Rotary club president. Rotary Founder Paul Harris 16 Clubs formed the National Organization in 1910 Rotary became International in 1911 with Winnipeg, Canada’s Charter with Paul Harris as RI’s 1 st President
What Rotarians Strive To Do Set an example of high ethical standards Encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise Search for the right people, not people with the right Classification to serve in Rotary Service above Self is our Motto
Rotary is an International Organization 529 Districts in 165 countries >30,000 clubs 1.22 million members Our District 6400 Covers SE MI & SW ON 51 Clubs 1,825 members
Rotary International’s Mission Fostering unity among members Strengthening and expanding Rotary around the world Communicating worldwide the work of Rotary Providing a system of international administration Support its member clubs in fulfilling the object of Rotary by:
Elected from all over the world Each District elects a District Governor Each club is a autonomous club Club President District Governor Rotary International President, Glenn E. Estess Governed by a President, President -Elect and a Board of 17 Directors
The Object of Rotary To encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular: 1)The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service 2)Set high ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations the dignifying by each Rotarian of his or her occupation as an opportunity to serve society
The Object of Rotary 3)The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to their personal, business and community lives 4)The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through: a world of fellowship of business and professional persons... united in the ideal of service
We implement the Object of Rotary through the Four Avenues of Service
The Four Avenues of Service 1)Club Service name Help the successful running of the local club. 2)Vocational Service name Promoting the “ideal of service” - throughout the business and professional world. 3)Community Service name participate in all activities which make the community a better place in which to live. 4)International Service name Encourage & foster the advancement of understanding and goodwill among people of the world.
Club Service Focuses on the successful functioning of the Club Membership (incl. Classifications & Development) Meeting programs (speakers, meals, banners +) Rotary Information & Club Bulletin Attendance Fellowship Public Relations
Vocational Service Club Vocational Service involves projects that: 1.Improve the quality of life in the workplace 2.Help all workers to realize their full potential 3.Recognize the worthiness of all useful occupations Obliges Classification holders to share the Ideal of Service in all Business & Professional dealings
Vocational Service Projects Career Development Vocation at Work Vocational Awareness Vocational Awards
The 4 Way Test* ( of things we say, think or do) 1. Is it the TRUTH ? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned ? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS ? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned ? * Created by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor in 1932
Community Service (& Youth) Provides useful service to satisfy proven needs: Environment Handicapped Senior Citizens Youth, Interact (14-18) & Rotaract (18-29) Safety Shelter & Street Kids
International Service By acquaintance of peoples, cultures, customs, accomplishments, aspirations, problems By travel, at conventions, reading, and especially International Projects RI & The Rotary Foundation are Major Resources in achieving International Service Projects Advances Understanding, Goodwill & Peace:
The Rotary Foundation “World Peace through Understanding”
The Rotary Foundation’s Mission: Fulfill the Object of Rotary and Rotary’s Mission Achieve World Understanding and Peace
The Rotary Foundation
What the Rotary Foundation Does Promotes World Understanding and Peace Works for a polio-free world Works for a polio-free world Cares for the children of the world Cares for the children of the world Feeds the hungry of the world Feeds the hungry of the world Provides educational opportunities Provides educational opportunities Preserves planet earth Preserves planet earth
Tools for Reaching this Goal Local, National and International Educational Programs Humanitarian Programs
Rotary Foundation Program Areas Educational Programs Humanitarian Programs
Educational Programs Ambassadorial Scholarships Rotary Grants for University Teachers Group Study Exchanges (GSE) Rotary Centers for International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution
Humanitarian Programs PolioPlus Program Volunteer Service Granst Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants Matching Grants District Simplified Grants
PolioPlus Accomplishments PolioPlus - initiated by Rotary in is the largest private-public health initiative in history. Rotary led collaboration with partner organizations such as the World Health Organization and UNICEF. Rotary has committed over $660 million for global polio eradication. 99% decline in cases since 1985
Basic Humanitarian Programs Criteria n Internationality/ Partnership n Significant Rotarian Involvement n Financial Stewardship
Districts Clubs You The Source of Rotary Foundation Funding
Two Needs...Two Ways of Giving For support today To secure tomorrow
Rotary International District 6400 Dave Carpenter District Governor,
District Governor Direct Communication with Clubs Governor Assistant Governor Club District Committees
The District: A Definition “ A district … shall exist solely to help the individual Rotary club advance the Object of Rotary.” – Manual of Procedure – Manual of Procedure
Board of Directors Includes the Directors of the 4 Avenues of Service Plus… Presidentname President-electname Secretaryname Treasurername All positions in Rotary change on July 1 each year
Club Constitutions Rotary Clubs are governed by a Standard Club Constitution only amended by the Council on Legislation – Rotary’s Parliament - which meets every 3 years. The Manual of Procedure incorporates Council amendments from the April, 2004 meeting Rotary Clubs adopt their own By-laws guided by RI’s Recommended By-laws
The Four Elements of Effective Clubs Implement Successful Service Projects Support The Rotary Foundation Develop Club Leaders for Beyond Club Level Effective Clubs are able to.. Efficient Club Administration Sustain and Grow Membership
Rotary Club of ??? Chartered in ???? ??? members Sister Club ??? Relationship with ???
Fundraising Main Fundraiser > $??? Additional Fundraiser > $???Fundraising
Endowment Fund $??? and growing Unrestricted Funds sufficient for all projects in ??? Rotary Foundation
Rotary Foundation of Rotary International Annual Fund > $??? ?? Paul Harris Fellows ?? Sustaining Members 100% Polio Eradication $??? per member Permanent Fund ? Benefactors R.I. Foundation
List of projects and others… Youth Projects
List of projects and others… Family/Adult Projects
List of matching grants Matching Grants
List of social events Social Events
Texas PETS District Assembly District Conference International Convention Presidential Celebration Foundation Seminar Foundation Dinner Governors Installation Rotary Events
Rotary Awards received: Presidential Citations Four Avenue of Service Citations District Governor’s Meritorious Service Award District Citations District Blue Chip Certificate Rotary Recognition
The Privileges in Rotary Friendship with leaders in your community in neighbouring cities and towns throughout the U.S.A. around the world
The Privileges in Rotary Giving Service to your community. Developing International Goodwill & Understanding Building Higher Ethical Standards in your vocation Through the Common Bond of Rotary
Your Obligations in Rotary Participation To be a Rotarian you must give of your time, talents and treasure: in community work in social functions Assist with Club fundraising in Club and District activities A “RINO” is a Rotarian-In-Name Only
Attendance Requirements At weekly meetings a minimum of 60% is expected. You can maintain your attendance levels by making up at another Rotary Club within 14 days by attending a District event or a RI Convention. via active participation in an approved Rotary Project
Your Financial Obligations Initiation Fee$?? Annual Dues (incl. Meals)$??? R. I. Foundation (Paul Harris)$??? Total $??? plus variables: Happy Bucks & Good Natured Fines$??? Social Events$??? Plus optional events and charity: e.g. District Conference, International Convention, Celebrations, Fundraisers, Foundation Contributions
Participate… for friendship for service for fellowship for knowledge for international understanding Remember You Are Rotary!
What’s Next? Steps for Becoming a New Member Complete the Member Worksheet Meet with your mentor, who will guide you through the process and answer your questions
For Membership Information Please contact… ???, Membership Development: Phone???-???-???? ???, President Elect: Phone ???-???-????
Rotary Club of ??? Welcome to …