International Air Cadet Exchange – Israel 2012 WOI Dylan Podkowka 395 Edmonton RCACS
The aim of the Association is to foster international understanding, goodwill and friendship among young people who have an interest in aviation. 20 Member Nations Annual Planning Conference Over 500 young ambassadors exchanged each year. IACEA
Provincial ACL Selection Boards held annually for IACE, Oshkosh, PPS, GPS, AATC-AO, AATC-AM, and Adv. Aerospace. Criteria Total: ~80 Canadian cadets chosen annually out of more than Air Cadets in Canada. Royal Canadian Air Cadets - Selection
Israel Delegation WOI Dylan Podkowka395 Edmonton RCACSEdmonton, AB WOII Connor Buckham861 Silver Fox RCACSAbbotsford, BC Capt. Peter Smith527 Simonds RCACSSaint John, NB WOII Kandis Mewett551 Whitehorse Lions RCACSWhitehorse, YT WOI Marc Paon29 Sydney Kiwanis RCACSSydney, NS WOII Moses Odemuyiwa188 Cobra RCACSDownsview, ON
July 2012 Carleton University Briefings FUN NCR Visit
IAF Escort Delegations: 5+1 Canada 3+1 USA 3+1 UK 2 France 2 Netherlands 2 Hong Kong 2 South Korea 1 Germany A trip around the world…
Dead Sea Spa Yad-Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum Beit Govrin Caves Church of the Holy Sepulchre Western Wall ~6 Israeli Air Force Bases including tours of F-15s and F-16s Multiple Air Force Museums Golan Heights with views of Syria and Lebanon Druze Village Trip to Eilat and the Red Sea Climbing Masada And more… A sample of the itinerary…
Information available in CATO Annex C, CATO 54-25, and from squadron staff Many Escort Officer positions available to host in Canada or go abroad (min. rank of Captain and 7 years experience as CIC) 1 male and 1 female hosting Staff Cadet position available nationally (WOII - paid position) Attending IACE: Duration of 2-3 weeks One candidate per squadron 17 years old by Aug 1 of the exchange year Level 5 training successfully completed Training allocation provided, same as all summer training IACE 2013…