Business Comunication, Manangement, succes
Position of Comunication The Important writing Comunication Managerial Function Of Comunication The Cost of cprespondance Criteria for efective Message Trends In Business Adm Comm Understanding and Analysing The Claim Listening,sepaking Interpersonal The Documents MIND MAPPING The cost of poor
The Important writing Comunication FACT Comunication in Wrriting Not Important My Secretary Will do all My Wriring I Will Use Form Letter Im Being Hired an accountant Not A writerr I Just Pick Up the Phone
DirectorProductionMarketing Manager in Java SumatraDistrict 1Sales District 2District 3Borneo Bali & nusa Tenggara HRDFinance The Importance of Comuniction 1.Listening, Speaking, interpersonal 2.The Write Document
Corporation CustomerMedia Employment agencies Provesional service Vendorgoverment Trade asociatiom StockHolder The Importance of Comuniction 1.Listening, Speaking, interpersonal 2.The Write Document
Cost Of corespondance Internal Corespondanc Transmittal Monthly Report Policy and procedure Buletin Performan ce Appraisal Memo of Congratula tion External Corespondanc e Quotatiom Claims Adjustemn t Annual Repot Thank you Letter
Cost Of poor corespondance Waste timeWaste EffortLost Goodwill
Its Save TimeMake effort EfffectiveComunicate the point ClearlyBuild goodwill BENEFIT OF EFFECTIVE ORESPONDANE
Criteria of effective messages Its Clear Its Commplate Its CorrectSave Time Builds Goodwill
Trend In Business And Administrative Comunication Entrepenerurship and outsourching Focus on Quality and Customer Needs Teams Diversity Globalization Technology Legal & Ethical Concern
Understanding and analyzing Business omunication Situations Whats Stake- to WhomShould You send messagesWhat Channel Should You UseWhat Should ypu sayWhat Should You say Its
To Solve Business Comunication Problem 1.Answer the six Questions Analysis 2.Organize Your informatiion to Fit Your Audience,purpose, and Situation 3.Make your Document Visually invitting 4.Revise Your Draft to reate a friendly, Businesslike,positive Style 5.English your draft for standart English 6.Use the response otu get paln to future messages
1.Understand The situation 2.Use Six Question 3.Brainsstorming Solution 4.If U want to change or ad Information get Permision
1.What are Your Audiene? 2.What are ur Purpose in writing? 3.What information? 4.How can build support the position 5.What objection to reader have? 6. What aspect of the total situation may effect reader response? The Six Questions
Conclusion Communication is essential in business organizations. Without communication an organization certainly does not exist because there was no means of communication activities undertaken by members of the organization. Let's look at the activities of the organization which no communication would not exist. When the manager distributes work to subordinates using communication, when accountants reported financial statements using the communication, when meeting, negotiating with business colleagues, promotion of products to consumers all use communications.