Ad Specialties Effective Promotions Presented by: Phil Werking
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions What is an Ad Specialty? >Also known as a promotional product, an ad specialty is any item that can be imprinted with a logo or slogan. >T-shirts, mugs, pens and key tags are popular examples, and just about anything can be imprinted. >Other unique examples include imprinted plant leaves, toasters, and VISA or music download cards.
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions What is an Ad Specialty? Ad specialties are relevant to any audience, and specialized categories can meet specific needs or initiatives, including: > Eco-friendly > USA made > Union made
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions That’s an Ad Specialty? Food Gifts The ad specialty industry offers a wide range of tasty choices and packaging options. Make your gifts unique with customization or promotional product insertion.
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions That’s an Ad Specialty? Recognition Awards Everything you need to recognize years of service, sales achievement, safety performance, retirement, etc. Recognition products include: > Trophies > Crystal > Sculptures > Plaques > Frames > Clocks > Watches > Pen sets
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions What can Ad Specialties Do? Customer Retention & Appreciation Increase Tradeshow Traffic Employee Recognition Promote New Products & Services Welcome New Employees Increase Safety Awareness Years of Service Increase Referrals Promote Fundraisers Cause Marketing Go Green Initiatives
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions The Ad Specialty Advantage >Make an impression >Stay top of mind >Long lasting effect >Higher perceived value and low Cost Per Impression (CPI)
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions > 42% of end-users have a MORE favorable impression of an advertiser after receiving the item. > 62% have done business with the advertiser AFTER RECEIVING the item. Make an Impression Source: A 2008 study by the Advertising Specialties Institute
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions << In one study only 53.1% of participants recalled the name of an advertiser they had seen in a magazine or newspaper in the previous week. Stay Top of Mind Source: A 2004 study by the L.J. Market Research On average, 84% of end-users remember the brands on the items they’ve received.
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions > 81% of promotional products were kept because they were considered useful. > The typical promotional product is kept for 7 months. Long Lasting Effect Source: A 2008 study by the Advertising Specialties Institute
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions Advertising specialties deliver a better cost-per- impression than nearly all other media. Lower Cost-Per-Impression Source: A 2008 study by the Advertising Specialties Institute
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions Ad Specialties – Proven & Effective >Generate goodwill >Increase referrals and leads >Improve marketing return on investment (ROI) >Complements other advertising media
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions Generate Goodwill A day spa, looking to increase repeat business, gave the body care set to new clients on their first visit. The sets helped to provide their clients with a taste of the spa experience at home and increased repeat business by 35%.
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions Increase Referrals & Leads Accompanying a request for referrals, an offer of an ad specialty or an ad specialty incentive & sweepstakes drew as many as 500% more referrals than an appeal letter alone. Source: 2005 Study by Louisiana State University and Glenrich Business Studies
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions Example: Tradeshows Including a promotional product with a pre-show mailing or an offer of a promotional product increases the likelihood of an attendee stopping by a tradeshow booth. Improve Return on Investment Source: A 2003 study by the Georgia Southern University
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions Complement Other Media Example: Direct Mail An ad specialty in a mail promotion increases the response rate by 50%. As an incentive to respond, they generate four times as many responses as a sales letter alone. Source: Sliver Marketing Group, 1992
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions Ad Specialties Summary Ad Specialties are items imprinted with a logo or slogan that : > Make a long lasting impression > Are more cost effective than traditional media > Generate goodwill > Improve return on investment
Ad Specialties Effective Promotions As your promotional consultant, I am your: > Idea generator > Marketing partner > Brand specialist I am here to help you improve your Marketing return on investment with ad specialties. Please contact me at or me at Your Promotional Consultant