New Three Intake Specialists—Why go to a centralize intake process? Consistency throughout the 10 counties Determine what type of housing is needed through the Housing First model Want the casemanagers to spend their time directly with clients Make sure those that are most vulnerable are prioritized
What happens when you call in? Victoria Roush, Intake Specialist: Everyone receives service! First month may be challenging but we are all willing to assist. All calls get personal assistance and links to services in the county they live in. Everyone who is homeless will enroll in the Housing Choice Voucher program.
NMCAA hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. At 4:30 p.m. the will be switched to the Goodwill Inn After Hours information is specific to each of the counties so that anyone homeless will have access to the motel vouchers and be immediately housed for the night. NMCAA staff will meet with clients the next day.
Carrying out the Housing Plan Case Managers schedule will be determined by the VI SPDAT IST will drive the housing that the client will benefit from—IST comes together to place clients on: Shelter Plus Care/PATH program/PSH programs ESG utilized as a bridge in housing First Month’s rent & security deposit Wrap around homeless response system
COORDINATED CASE MANAGEMENT I. Rapid Re-housing: Full SPDAT Completed Initial appointment with case manager Enroll Client into ESG Rapid Rehousing A. Housing Help SupportsB. Rapid Re-housing C.Housing First D. SINGLES: *Eligible for Security Deposit & first month's rent *Eligible for RRH 6 months Financial Assist. *Intensive case management(1+/wk appt) *Average day service plan *Develop Goals, Timeline in HMIS *Develop Goals and Timeline in HMIS *Develop Case plan, include crisis plan *Once housing is secured: at least 6 months on-going case management/housing support. FAMILIES: *Eligible for Security Deposit & first month's rent *Eligible for RRH 6 months Financial Assist. *Intensive case management(1+/wk appt) *Average day service plan *Develop Goals, Timeline in HMIS *Develop Goals and Timeline in HMIS *Develop Case plan, include crisis plan *Once housing is secured: at least 6 months on-going case mgmt/housing support. (Ineligible for on-going RRH 6 month financial) II. Prevention: (Antrim/Kalkaska/Leelanau ONLY) 30 day service plan maximum 3 month's rent 1x/week case management, if needed *Current case load availability on P:drive (P drive/CS Files/Homeless Prevention/TC Case Load) COORDINATED CASE MANAGEMENT
Key to the success of this system. Participants must be committed to ending homelessness. All available housing is pooled so that those who need it most are housed. HMIS System Administrator presents updated VI SPDAT to the IST IST brings their knowledge and expertise to the table as a “wrap around” to those they are going to serve.
Emergency Solutions Grant is one tool but coordinated with a Housing Plan, case managers, IST, SPDAT and linking our clients to resources they will remain housed! NW CoC is committed to housing and keeping clients housed instead of managing homelessness. TOGETHER WE CAN END HOMELESSNESS