What is Seva? Seva is ‘Selfless Service.’ It is done for the goodwill and benefit of others, not for personal reward. We pray for blessings for everyone daily in the Ardaas….?? "Nanak Naam Chardi Kala, Tere Bhane Sarbaht dah Bhahla" Praying for the well-being and happiness of everyone.
Seva-is one of the main principles in Sikhi and we are encouraged to do as much as possible. Men and women can both do all types of Seva. Seva outside and inside the Gurdwara It will help us to become closer to Waheguru-if we focus on the name of God while doing Seva and see God in everyone. syvw suriq sbid icqu lwey ] ‘Centre your awareness on seva-selfless service-and focus your consciousness on the Word of the Shabad’ Seva and Simran are the 2 key principles
How can we do Seva? 3 ways in which we can do Seva… 1.‘THAN’ physically doing Seva. This includes helping serve langer, physically helping others etc 2. ‘MHAN’ Seva through the mind. Simran, Gurbani, Kirtan-sharing knowledge and singing the praises of Waheguru yourself-(Dasvandh 1/10 of 24hrs) 3. ‘DHAN’ doing Seva by using your wealth Charities, donations, Dasvandh (giving 1/10 of your earnings)
So, why is Seva important and how will it help us to become better Sikhs??
S E V A DHAN MHAN THAN KAAM (Lust) AHANKAR (Ego) LOBH (Greed) MOH (Attachment) KROD (Anger) SAT (Truth) SANTOKH (Contentment) DAYA (Compassion) NIMRATA (Humbleness) PYARE (Love)
Bhai Kanhaiya Ji carried out Seva with love and affection without any discrimination between the Guru's Sikh soldiers and the Mughal armies' soldiers. Mata Khivi Ji-wife of Guru Angad Dev Ji. Managed all sections of the Langer and served Langer equally with love and without discrimination. ijn gur kI kIqI cwkrI iqn sd bilhwrI ]3] I am forever a sacrifice to those who perform service for the Guru. ||3||
What do these examples tell us about how we should do Seva?? SERVE SELFLESSLY: we should serve humanity selflessly and with complete dedication. TREAT ALL EQUALLY: To serve all of humanity equally without discrimination; provide help and assistance to everybody without prejudice. SERVE WITH COMPASSION & LOVE: treat everyone with compassion, humility and Love. SHARE WITH OTHERS: To share ones wealth with the people who are suffering… Dasvandh the Three Pillars of Sikhism – Naam Japna, Kirat Karni and Vand kay Shakna
ibsir geI sB qwiq prweI ] jb qy swDsMgiq moih pweI ]1] rhwau ] nw ko bYrI nhI ibgwnw sgl sMig hm kau bin AweI I have totally forgotten my jealousy of others, since I found the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||Pause|| No one is my enemy, and no one is a stranger. I get along with everyone Serving those in need is the highest form of Seva, in Sikhi the mouth of the poor person is the Guru’s Goluk… Seva is to be incorporated into our everyday lives and taken beyond the Gurdwara-we can also serve others at school, work, home and in the community… Charity is very important!!
When we do Seva inside and outside of the Gurdwara we are serving Waheguru… We will be blessed with Naam (always remembering Waheguru) so will become closer to Waheguru Seva & Simran help the mind to stay away from the 5 evils and the 5 virtues are obtained!!! We wash off our bad deeds and replace them with compassion, contentment and understanding of the sufferings of the less fortunate… suKdwqw guru syvIAY siB Avgx kFY Doie] Serve the Guru, the Giver of Peace; He shall remove and wash off all your faults. ||2||
Activity 3: WHAT DOES GURBANI TEACH US ABOUT DOING SEVA? ijnI siqguru syivAw iqnI pwieAw nwmu inDwnu ] Those who serve the True Guru obtain the treasure of the Naam. siqguru syivAY shju aUpjY haumY iqRsnw mwir ] Serving the True Guru, intuitive peace wells up, and ego and desire die.
syvk Bwie sy jn imly gur sbid svwry Those humble beings who serve the Lord with love meet Him; they are adorned with the Word of the Guru's Shabad iniq Aihinis hir pRBu syivAw sqguir dIAw nwmu ]2] Day and night, continually serve the Lord God; the True Guru has given the Naam