The Old Sanawarian Society “OSS” Nominating Committee Meeting November 28 th 2009
Agenda Welcome Introduction to the Executive Committee Ratification of the Executive Committee An Introduction to the OSS Constitution Objectives of the Executive Committee Nomination of a member to the LSS Any other Points with the permission of the Chair Vote of Thanks
The Old Sanawarian Society An Introduction to the OSS
The Overall Framework… simplified 1.The LSSS and the OSS are two independent bodies with NO overlap in scope of operations and / or activities 2.All OS and/or members of the OSS who form part of the LSSS imply NO OPERATIONAL LINK between the two independent bodies (Example: OS President and Past Presidents) 3.The OSS is NOT a platform to discuss matters pertaining to the LSSS a)All activities / discussions of the LSSS are confidential to the LSSS members Board of Governors The Old Sanawarian Fraternity LS(S)S Members The Lawrence School Sanawar The Nominating Committee The Executive Committee OSS Chapters The Lawrence School Sanawar Society (LS(S)S) The Old Sanawarian Society (OSS) Fraternity Blocks
What we are… The Old Sanawarian Fraternity ~4,000 members (approx) The Nominating Committee ~35 members The Executive Committee 7 Members -President -Imm. Past Pres. / Pres. Elect -Vice President -Secretary -Three members - OS -Chairman -OSS President -Past Presidents -Block Representatives -Chapter Coordinators Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Representatives – 20 members 6 members for Block 1 2 members each for remaining blocks Block Block 1 Pre 1975 ~ 200~ 450 ~ 400~ 350 ~ 300~ 1,200
What do we do… Old Sanawarian Society The LSSS / LSS The Old Sanawarian Fraternity The School 1.To ASSIST in furthering the objectives of The Lawrence School (Sanawar) Society, by various acts including nominating, if required, members of the Society to the Board of Governors of the School or any other Committees that may be set up from time to time. 1.To PROMOTE AND MAINTAIN closer bonds of goodwill and friendship amongst all members of the fraternity and render assistance to them and their dependents in all aspects. 2.To UPHOLD the traditions and values of the School and ENSURE that they continue to foster and grow 3.To OPEN CHAPTERS in various cities all over the world and frame rules for such chapters. 1.To do all that is necessary to protect and enhance the reputation of the School, to generate Public and Government awareness and support for the School and to ASSIST the School as may be necessary, in its day-to-day activities, in particular to achieve and maintain excellence in academics and other spheres of educational and School activities. 1.Primary focus and responsibility is to the Old Sanawarian Fraternity – CORE ACTIVITY 2.Supportive role with the LSSS and the School – IMPORTANT BUT NOT CORE ACTIVITY
The Executive Committee 1.The operational arm of the OSS 2.The individuals are elected and entrusted effectively by the OS Fraternity via the framework provided to manage the affairs of the OS Society 3.Responsible and Answerable for and to the society at large, for all actions and or non actions. 4.Required to dedicate time (and resources) as required towards the OSS’s operations 5.NEEDS TO BE ‘ACTIVE’ AND GOAL DRIVEN
The Nominating Commitee 1.A group set up to Nominate and assist in nomination on behalf of the OS fraternity, the various posts inclusive of the OS President 2.From time to time, and on as needed basis, serve as an extension of the executive committee, for respective operations of the OSS 3.The Nominating Committee represent members (OS) from various blocks and have to ensure that their feedback/suggestions reach the Executive Committee and also to ensure active participation from their Block members in all OSS activities
OSS Chapters 1.Branch Offices of the OSS, around the World 2.Operate independently but in line with the OSS goals and objectives 3.Governed by chapter specific goals and performance metrics – in line with the OSS’s overall goals and objectives 4.The Single Point of Contact for all Chapters would be The Vice President
The Old Sanawarian Society Objectives of the Executive Committee
Approach for this Term Bring energy and ensure active participation from the entire Nominating Committee across all Blocks (This shall ensure reaching out to maximum OS updating the directory with current OS Profiles) Focus on participation and contribution from the fraternity viz FOSS (Friends Of Sanawar Society) Build approachability to the OSS via structured communication channels (, further suggestions welcome To ensure participation by current Chapters in a proactive manner and to open fresh Chapters To continue the Polo as well as revive the Polo/Monsoon Ball
Focus and Prioritization 1.Strengthen Approachability / Communication conduits 2.The Old Sanawarian Fraternity –Assess Chapters to energize and enhance activities –Promote participation in OSS initiatives –Create forums /platforms for OS intra action 3.The School –Raising Capital –In Kind Contributions
Building Approachability 1.To ensure improved participation by the OS Fraternity on the (current members >800 from a fraternity of members) this must be built up to the highest possible level through the Nominating Committee (Tip… identify the leaders of every batch from your block & push them constantly)
Interacting with the LSS… To be receptive to the LS(S)S and board members in any requirements they may have via a single point of contact from the Executive Committee – The OS President
The Old Sanawarian Society “OSS” Thank you !!