Crystal Meth Crystal Meth Christy Hernandez, Nicole Pacheco, Danielle Coven, and Olivia Fogel
More about Crystal Meth Methamphetamine is an illegal drug that is in the same category as cocaine, and is usually white powder that is odorless This powder can dissolve in water or alcohol Crystal meth comes in clear, chunky crystals resembling ice
Background Information Crystal methamphetamine Methamphetamine is a white crystalline drug that people take by snorting it, smoking it, or injecting it Common street names: crank, chalk, speed, beannies, brown, chicken feed, cinnamon
History Amphetamine was first made in 1887 In 1919, a more potent methamphetamine was made in Japan During World War II, methamphetamine went into wide use to keep troops awake In the 1950s, it was prescribes as a diet aid and used to fight depression In 1970 the US made it illegal In the 1990s, Mexican drug trafficking organizations et up large labs and exported drugs globally
Meth Laboratory
Statistics There are 500 metric tons of amphetamine-type stimulants produced every year There are 24.7 million abusers of these drugs In 2008, the US reported that approx 13 million over age 12 have used meth Out of those 13 million, 529,000 are regular users
Statistics Continued In 2007, 4.5% of American high school seniors and 4.1% of 10 th grade students reported using methamphetamine at least once in their life Admissions of drug treatment due to meth increased from 3% in 1996 to 9% in 2006 In Hawaii, 48.2% of people seeking help for drug or alcohol abuse were methamphetamine users
Effects Short term: loss of appetite, increased heart rate, body temp, and blood pressure, pupil dilation, hallucinations, nausea, convulsions, panic, sometimes violence Long term: permanent damage to heart and brain, liver and lung damage, malnutrition, weight loss
How People get Addicted Crystal meth creates a sense of happiness, well-being, confidence, hyper activeness, and energy Abusers crave these effects Usually lasts 6 to 8 h0ours, but can last up to 24 Used as a “club drug” Burns up body’s resources, creating devastating dependence So highly concentrated, only takes one time to get addicted
Interesting Facts Crystal Meth causes unexplained itching After stopping use, the abuser may have the addiction for the rest of his or her life, it may never go away Sometimes when being made in a lab, the product will cause an explosion
Sources 07/05/crystal-meth- pros-and-cons-part- four.html 07/05/crystal-meth- pros-and-cons-part- four.html 07/05/crystal-meth- pros-and-cons-part- four.html om/watch?v=mvitKbs JrQE om/watch?v=mvitKbs JrQE om/watch?v=mvitKbs JrQE